Miricle and whiskey

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Eli's hand felt so perfect like it had been made especially to fit with Luna's, like a jigsaw piece. She held it tightly as they waited together. She felt so differently about Eli now. She saw him, all of him. Not the equipment or robot parts that had been added but she saw every inch of human in him. If anything he seemed more human than her some days.

El made strange sounds as she fell in and out of conscienceless, her body shook as she fought. The room seemed to vibrate a little as her body jolted. The screens flickered and the lights seem to dim, but Luna felt like it was the boss lady somehow watching them.

Luna ran her hands through her hair twisting the ends around her finger, that was the thing she did when she was nervous.

"It's only a matter of time before they find us, Eli,  I miss my bunker and I miss Lucky. I miss the days of thinking I was completely alone on this planet" Luna searched for Eli's eyes to remind her why she was doing this, after all, it was those eyes that had started this whole thing.

He was already there waiting for her green eyes to meet his. Eli spoke quietly to Luna staring right into her eyes.

"Luna, from the moment I woke up, covered in robot blood in your dark bunker that smelt of whisky and old books, I saw your green eyes. Your beautiful eyes ignited me somehow, they even calmed me even though my life had been turned upside down. Somehow your eyes are like summertime and spring and they 

bring me to life."

Eli's hands met Luna's face and softly brought her face to meet his. His hands felt warm to Luna.

 He could feel her breath on his cheeks. He smiled as he watched Luna's lips, they seemed to hold a smile within those lips, even if she wasn't smiling. He pulled her soft lips onto his and the world didn't seem to be such a bad place after all. 

At that moment Luna felt safe, she felt like the world was normal and that must seem crazy because the little voice in her head was still shouting....

Luna, you are in a droids nest with a killer boss lady who wants to probably turn you into one, the world has totally been destroyed and there are only a handful of humans left. Now is not the time to kiss.

A noise brought them back down to earth, El was coming round.

Eli moved closer to his sister waiting for a sign..

 "Did it work?" Luna closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair letting a breath out as she sank back. 

"We are going to need a miracle and maybe some whiskey" 

Luna walked the room and studied the screens as she looked for anything they could use against the boss lady. she knew this would be impossible but they had no choice they had to pull this off, somehow.

El let out a loud sigh as she came round slowly, her voice was groggy and she was confused.

"Where am I?" Luna walked over and sat down next to her "Hey, it's ok you're safe here. My name is Luna. Can you tell me your name?"

El's eyes closed slowly and then opened as she seemed to try and focus for a moment "El, my name is El" Luna smiled brightly with hope in her eyes "Nice to meet you El"

" What happened to me? I feel strange?" Eli walked over to her slowly so he wouldn't frighten her, he knew he looked a little different now. 

Tears ran from El's eyes as she recognised her brother in the half-human half droid that stood in front of her. She looked at her own body and her memories seem to flood back. Like all she really needed was a clout to the head and she remembered everything.

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