Chapter 28

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Wheein was in her dorm with all her sketches of Solar in them. While Solar was in the teacher's office.

-Would you like to participate in this contest? – ask the teacher and Solar was zoning out. -Solar? –

-Sorry. Yes, I will. I guess this is my last chance to get into the G/T program. –

-You're already doing your best, Solar. But everyone goes through life at their own pace. Some find success at a young age, but for others, success comes later in life. No one can predict things. The important thing is to trust yourself and not lose sight of who you are. You're doing great. Don't feel rush, okay? –

-<<I know that these feelings are only here to cut me down. I just wanted to do better, but my greed made things worst.>> - said Solar looking at a picture of her and Wheein.

Wheein was in her dorm and search her mother's name and there was no result of it, once again because of the committees.

-<<Everything is the same. The only thing that has changed is my feelings. Just like the empty search results, I can go back, pretending like nothing ever happened. Back to being the slow, stupid Wheein who likes Solar. Back to being Wheein, the prodigy.>> -

The next morning Solar saw a note saying to meet them in the secret garden and there she saw Wheein, waiting.

-I saw your paintings, Solar. They were amazing. – and Solar went up to her. -When I looked up my mother's name online, nothing came up. It was probably the committee's plan, but it still made me upset. Isn't weird? I hate her, but I also feel bad for her, so I've been doing some thinking and I want people to find out about this. I know I'll probably get criticized and I honestly not sure if I'll be able to paint again. They might even stop funding me, and if that happens, I'll have trouble paying the hospital bills. Augh, there too much thinking. – said Wheein grabbing her head then when to grab Solar's hand. -But I'd feel better if you were by my side protecting me, Solar. I thought I'd use my mom as an excuse. Solar, you said that you wanted our relationship to be healthy and that you were going to work hard to make it that way. – and Solar was confused. -We can't pretend like everything we went through didn't happen, but we can fix it. Regardless of how I came to like you, my feelings for you are real. I like you, Solar. I want to keep liking you, and I want to be happy. What about you? – and Solar almost let her tears flow.

-I like you, too. Let's be each other's anchor this time. – and Wheein jump in Solar's arm.

These wounds will scar and remain for the rest of our lives, but I'm prepared to face the future.



-Wheein! It's been so long. How have you been? – and Wheein gave the flowers to her cousin who was taking them to her mother. -Your mom is doing great. She can grab a pencil now but only for two minutes. She'll be happy to see you! – she said and Wheein's mother threw her the present she got from Wheein to Wheein.

-So, you've finally decided to come to see your mother. – Hyeon said.

-I have something to tell you. –

-I'll go outside. – said the cousin and left them the two.

-I heard from principal Sunmi. Did you quit the G/T program for a friend? Does this friend matter more to you than your mother? –

-She's not just a friend. She's, my girlfriend. Whether you accept me or not, I don't care. I don't care about the G/T program. She saved me. Father was beating us, and you abandoned me. Every adult in my life, and all my friends ignored me. She was the only one who helped me. –

-But giving up the program just for her? What were you thinking, Wheein?! Are you going to die if she tells you to? –

-I would have. – smile Wheein. -I'm not your substitute, mother. Just like you wanted to live your life, I want to live mine, and from now on, I'm going to start looking for things I want to do. Sorry. I know it's been hard. – said Wheein and hugged her. She left the room, and her cousin gave her a ride so she wouldn't waste money.

-Aunt can be a little harsh with words, but she has been worried about you. You know how people say no parent can win against their child. – said the cousin.

-Yea. –

-You look happy, Wheein. –

-I do? –

-Well, at least compared to before, you were gloomy back days. –

-I guess when I was younger. –

-You were like that once you enter high school. After you ran away from the jerk, you changed. You seemed like you were doing better, but there was still something a bit off about you. But now, you look like you're doing well. Did something happen? –

-I just felt like I couldn't go on like this. I decide to accept reality and everything that I knew to be wrong but didn't question. That made me feel a lot better. – said Wheein remembering everything that had happened.

-Sounds like you're all grown up, Wheein. Oh, and about the jerk of your father... -

-You don't have to tell me. I don't care about him. – said Wheein and she search for her mother's name again and now there is news about her.



The girls were at lunch eating when they heard about whisper about how Jung Hyeon went back to painting and on how Wheein was basically "cheating" so they can get money.

-If you've got something to say, say it to her face. – said Byul behind them and they stayed quiet.

-I'm fine, guys I already saw this coming –

-What's with all these headlines anyway? "The tragic story of a mother and daughter?" What the hell? – said Byul checking her phone.

We accepted that fact, and we're willing to change. Because we want to make our relationship better.

-Hey, Solar? Why don't we decorate my dorm room for Christmas? Let's each bring some food and have a little party. –

-Sounds good. Let's go shopping for decoration before the movie, then. – and Wheein smile.

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