Chapter 23

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The class ended and Solar grabs her stuff and left first without waiting for Wheein, and Wheein went behind her. She was stalking Solar when Solar asks her not to bother her. Solar got in the bus and Wheein sat a few seats in front. The bus came to its destination and Solar got off, then Wheein started to follow her from behind. Solar felt something and she looked back and Wheein hides before Solar could catch her.

-Wheein. –

-<<She caught me!! I was going to talk to her but...>> -

-I told you I wanted to be alone today. So, you're stalking me now? – said Solar appearing next to Wheein. -I need some time to think. –

-I wasn't stalking you. I just had to tell you something. –

-You can tell me later. –

-Please hear me out! – Wheein grab Solar hand before she could leave. -I know you're jealous of me, and I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to be. I was only copying my mother's art style. I'm just mimicking her. I didn't want to do that, but I had my reasons. I didn't want to come to an art school either. I don't like drawing as much as you do. And I don't plan on doing anything with my skills in the future. – said Wheein. -I'm just a nobody. Solar, you, on the other hand, are amazing! What I'm trying to say is... -

-So, in other words, you didn't have to try so hard cause you got your talent from your mom. Even though being an artist wasn't what you desperately wanted; you were able to achieve the visible result. Is that it? – said Solar with an angry smile.


-That's why your style is similar to Hyeon's. by her painting style. Well, imitation is the mother of creation after all. –

-M-my mother can't paint anymore. There was an accident. That's why I'm-

-...carrying o with her work on her behalf? You're such a good daughter, Wheein? – and Wheein let her tears go. -I guess it is true. People who have it all are completely oblivious of what they have. When you try to be humbler, it just makes me angry. Go back to your dorm. – said Solar and left Wheein there. Wheein went to the bus station ad waited there when her phone rang.

-<You're not in your dorm room. Where you at?> - and Wheein responds.


-Should we order some fried chicken? – said Byul with Wheein coming behind her. -Maybe I should order something sweet in time like these. Some tanghulu? –

-What is she doing here? – said Hwasa.

-I found her crying in the bus stations, so I brought her here. I think she fought with Solar. –

-Relationships can't always be great, right? Couples can fight sometimes. – said Hwasa.

-We didn't fight. She just angry because of me. –

-I'll bring you guys something to drink. – and Byul left.

-What did you do? – and Wheein didn't answer. -<<Won't talk to me, huh?>> - -You hurt her ego, didn't you? Since Solar unnie is ambitious and she's jealous of you, I knew she would explode soon enough. And you probably just made the situation worst. I get why she would be annoyed. You're always obsessing over her and freaking out even if she looks away for a second. You do know the obsession is a mental disorder, right? –

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