Chapter 24

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-Why did I do that?! It's not like Wheein did anything wrong. I shouldn't have gone that far. She's already insecure. – said Solar to herself, opening the notebook of Wheein. -Even now, her work is amazing. –

-Growing up, people told me I had talent. And for most of us, that's how it all begins. We go into art because we love drawing. Because we think we'll be happy if we get to do it forever and because we think we're talented. But when we step into the art world, we realize, "I'm not exceptionally talented or completely hopeless, either." In other words, we realize we're not that special. There are hundreds of others who are just like me, wanting to be the greatest artist. –





-Some say that standardized testing ruins creativity, testing creativity, but that logic only applies to the select few who are truly gifted. As for the rest of you, focus on starting with the basics and passing the entrance exam. Take Jung Wheein, for example. Even she takes prep classes. – said the middle school teacher.

-<<I hear her name everywhere. I can always spot her work right away because it stands out and is always perfect. The best art always has her name on it. How did she come up with these ideas?>> - said Solar looking at the art when she saw Wheein walking with a stern face. Solar felt nervous that she accidentally bumps into Wheein and Wheein ignored her apology. -<<If I were you, I'd love my life, but why do you always look sad?>> -

Solar was in the cafeteria with her friends waiting for the list of academic G/T students. She enters her information and saw a message saying that she wasn't accepted as a G/T student. Her friends were talking that only six to twenty students from each school, depending on how much they are. They were still talking when they heard congratulations from the table behind, knowing that one was accepted as a G/T student.

-Lucky. Wheein got in, too. – said one of Solar friend. Solar heads to the convenience store to put her brain at peace.

-<<It's not over yet. I still have the practical exam. G/T students were probably chosen based on their profiles. Just focus on getting in then being part as a G/T student.>> - said Solar and saw Wheein enter the store. -<<Augh, that creepy smile. She must be happy she made it into the program.>> - Wheein let her things on the counter and Solar saw her sketchbook. She looked around and opened it to see sketches then saw some numbers. -<<This must be a memo of some kind. I wish I could copy these. I feel like I'd learn from it.>> - said Solar and then something came across her brain. She looked around and got out of the store running with the sketchbook in her hands.

Solar woke up on the bus and saw that she was I the wrong bus.

-<<It's the complete opposite of directing from home. Thank God I got off before we go to the highway. I can find my way back home from here. >> - Solar kept walking when she saw people around someone and there, she saw Wheein on the floor. -<<What the hell? She was doing fine earlier. I have to help... no. We're not close at all. She even ignored me. I'd rather not get caught up in whatever this is.>> - said Solar leaving but turn around. -Excuse me! Coming through! WHEEIN, WAKE UP!! SOMEONE CALL 112!! WHY ARE YOU ALL STANDING THERE?!! – yelled Solar and she decides to call them. She was talking when she saw Wheein move her hand then fell unconscious again. -<<Do I have to give her CPR?!! No, she's breathing fine.>> - She was still looking at Wheein and she grabbed her hand so she can feel safe. In a few minutes, the ambulance arrives and picked up Wheein.

-Do you have a guardian for miss Wheein? – ask the doctor.

-No, but I think I am in contact can help. - said Solar and she got out Wheein sketchbook and saw the phone number that she thought was a memo. She gave the phone number to the doctor and it was her cousin. Later from that incident, Solar was accepting it as a non-G/T student at Seoul Academic art fines, and there she saw Wheein.

-<<Now that we are both in the same school, Wheein looks brighter, unlike before. But this awkward especially after she ignored me for so long.>> -said Solar who was talking to Wheein, who was crying for saving her from that incident. Solar went and hugged her so she can calm down. -<<She's kind of cute when she cries. I sound like a pervert, but not a crazy one. –





Solar was crying, remembering everything that happened since she stole Wheein sketchbook.

Wheein woke up when the sun was hitting her eyes. She grabbed her phone and saw a message from Solar.

Solar: Wheein, are you free today?

And Wheein smiled that Solar texted her.

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