Chapter 29: "To the X-Men"

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Ali grumbled, lifting herself up from the bed. She shrugged on a sweater over her tank top and put her legs on the floor. The person next to her groaned.

"Why are you up so early?" Alex groaned, shifting in the bed.

"It's 9:30, dumbass." Ali scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Besides, the less time I spend sleeping, the less likely nightmares will keep coming back. Isn't that the reason we started sleeping together?" Ali held her hand out. "Bad choice of words."

"True." Alex grumbled before getting out the bed. "I never thought I'd get new nightmares,"

"But life just keeps coming back and kicking our asses." Ali finished. "I'm going to go downstairs."

"Wait, Sean." Alex reminded. Ali sighed before grabbing the pair of yellow headphones on the dresser.

"Let's go." Ali pointed her head towards the door. Ali pushed the door open and walked hesitantly toward Sean's room. She pulled the headphones over her ears and walked cautiously. When she reached the door, she pushed it open.

Sean lay on the bed, screaming. The headphones did their job and kept the noise out of the ears, but it didn't erase the painful drop in her stomach when she saw Sean tossing and turning. "Sean, Sean." Ali shook him. He started to wake up, but it wasn't enough. Ali sighed, before using her good hand to shove him off the bed, making him crash onto the floor.

"Oww, what the hell?" Sean demanded, clutching his head.

"You were having nightmares again. Would you rather still have them?" Ali blandly asked. "Anyway, it's like 9:30. Get out."

Sean flipped her off before grumbling toward his bathroom. Ali pulled her headphones down, and left the room, walking back to hers. As she passed by the several rooms, seriously how many rooms were in this place? They were barricaded in here for the past two weeks, and she still found new rooms. Honestly, Charles' boarding school idea in the house could really work, space-wise. Practically, mutants were like 0.001% of the population. That was a lot, but still damn near impossible to find.

After a shower, and a pair of clothes brought by Moira, she felt less numb. She couldn't wear anything of Raven's. Alex had found her once crying over a shirt. Any remarks were forgotten after she threw her metal bracelets at his bruised eye. She took a deep breath, and exhaled lightly. Apparently, this helped Hank deal with his newfound anger issues. It certainly helped with her newfound depression issues. She lifted herself up from her bed, and went into Raven's. A habit she picked up after coming back from Cuba. She sank on the bed, grabbing a pillow. It smelled just like she did, and Ali's hold broke and she cried, tears streaming down her face.


"Did you really have to wake me up? At least we're getting pancakes." Sean groaned. Ali flipped the last pancake.

"Getting? No, if you want pancakes, you make 'em." Ali scoffed as she took the plate and handed it to Alex.

"Why does he get them and I don't?"

"I took forty bucks out of his bag so I could go and buy panties." Ali replied matter-of-factly. "It was embarrassing to use Charles' credit card."

"Whatever." Sean grumbled. He poured batter onto the pan, and poked it with the flipper.

"Hi." Hank rushed through the room, grabbing one of Alex's pancakes. "Thanks."

"Why are you busy?" Ali scoffed. "You made the Professor's metal free wheelchair, which made him drink scotch and cry on his chessboard for hours. I can't think of any new projects you're busy with."

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