Chapter 6: "Nice handwriting"

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"Something's coming." Darwin spoke. Ali looked up and could see the tension in the air. The sky looked kind of dark, like something was about to happen. Then, a man fell through the sky and hit the ground, splattering blood.

Everyone screamed and Ali jumped back into Alex's chest. She got up quickly, ignoring him. While they collected themselves, more people started flying out the sky. Ignoring the cries, they all started to run out before being stopped by the soldiers.

"Stay back!" The soldier commanded. Ali would've shoved and kept going, but then she saw who was raining people. A red-skinned man was slicing up soldiers with his tail and a knife. He was constantly teleporting and no one could land a hit.

"Great, the devil has returned." Darwin scoffed.

The man turned to face them. Azazel. Ali gasped and collapsed.

"Kill me if you want but-"


Raven shook her. "Get up! Please!"

Ali pushed herself up. "We have to get out of here."

"The guy said to stay here!" Sean retorted.

Just then, the glass broke and bullets began raining into the room. Everyone dived behind the furniture.

"Stay here my ass!" Darwin scoffed. Everyone left the room, running toward the door and out to the battle. Before they made it through the hall, the soldiers held them back.

"Let us out! We can help!" They were all shoved back and ordered to stay in the room. Everyone ran screaming toward another non exploded room. The right had Azazel killing people left and right, a man who created cyclones destroyed Cerebro.

"Look if you want the mutants, they're behind there. Just let us normal people go-" The man's neck cracked and the man burst open the door. He had a helmet on.

"Where is the telepath?" The man demanded.

"Gone." Azazel replied.

"Too bad. At least I can take this silly thing off." The man took the helmet off. "My name is Sebastian Shaw." Ali sank to the floor, breathing heavily. She could feel Raven and everyone else shaking her to see if she was okay. She wanted to say something, but her mouth was dry.

"I will not join your band of vigilantes. I have daughters to care for." Her mother stood tall, straightening her dress. "Mutant and human."

"You could build a better world for them. One where they won't have to hide." Shaw persuaded. "Your children-at least the ones who are worthy will never be accepted. Give up one and the others will live."

"Go to hell." She spat.

"It's a shame. Your power was beautiful." A man appeared and stabbed her in the throat. She fell, splattering blood on the marble floor. 

"I'm okay." Ali pulled herself up. Shaw turned to face her.

"Ah! It's Ali Nichols. Irene Adler's kid. Powerful girl. How have you been dear?" Shaw stepped forward.

"Get the hell away from me." Ali shoved him forward. He stumbled before regaining himself.

"Forget it boss." Ali turned and her eyes widened in fear. "Just like her too."

Him.  He was right there. 

A tall man wearing an overcoat stepped next to Shaw. The brown coat covered most of his body, but his hands were very noticeably metal. Pierce

"You, are a sick, crazy bastard." Ali pointed toward him, the alcohol giving her courage to spit out the next few words.  "How can you possibly say that you fight for mutants after what you did to me?!!"

"What do you mean? Ali, what is going on?" Raven asked worriedly.

"Isn't it ironic that a mutant -" Ali took her overshirt off, revealing the word on her skin. "Gave me this." Freak. Carved in her skin. "I gotta you credit though. Nice handwriting. Given you were using a knife and all." Everyone stared at her with horror.

"That's still there?" The man shrugged. "Sorry about that, kid."

"You know what, Pierce, " Ali chuckled darkly. "I swore that I was going to kill you that day. I was twelve."

"Oh don't be like that, kid." Pierce tried to move forward. "it wasn't personal. Boss' orders."

"I don't care." Ali spat. "You killed my mom." Ali raised her hands and the room began to dim, but Shaw began talking and the room returned to normal.  

"I'm not here to rehash the past. I'm here because there is a war coming. One against us and the world. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us. You can fight for the very people who despise us, or you can join me and live like kings." He looked at Angel. "And queens." He held his hand out. Angel took it and started walking along with them.

"Angel?" Raven asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Alex scoffed.

"We don't belong here. And that is nothing to be ashamed of." Angel smiled sadly.

Darwin took Alex aside and whispered to him something. Alex looked pissed and shoved him angrily.

Darwin came forward. "Stop. I'm going with you."

"Are you freaking kidding?" Ali scoffed, pulling her shirt back on.

"Nice. Tell me about your mutation." Shaw asked.

"I adapt to survive. So, I guess I'm coming with you." Darwin replied.

"I like the sound of that." Shaw smirked.

Darwin nodded. "Alex! Now!" Everyone ducked before Alex released the rings. Darwin covered Angel and his back turned to rock. When Ali looked back, Shaw just compressed them in a small ball. Darwin tried to throw a punch before Shaw stopped him.

"Protecting your fellow mutants. That's a noble gesture. Feels good." Shaw held him by his throat. "Adapt to this." He shoved the energy down his throat. The group teleported away, leaving Alex and Ali to see Darwin's body struggling to adapt to the energy. She held her hand out to meet his before having to turn to avoid the blast. When she and Alex turned, Darwin was gone.

Ali never cried. Not since her mom died, and not since the stampede where her siblings had lost their lives. Not when someone she cared about abandoned her for something she couldn't even control.

But this time, she cried into Alex's chest, ignoring the droplets falling on her hair from Alex's face.

A/N: Like most fans, Darwin's death felt stupid to me. In the comics, the guy did the same thing and was perfectly fine. Like, what the hell?!! But, I can't think of anything to write for the character, so he will die. Welp, sucks to be Darwin.

Also, now we see who had carved freak into her skin. Messed up as hell, and super sad. 

-Lonelyhuman out

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