Chapter 18: "This will end with a funeral"

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"Are you sure he isn't going to die?" Raven questioned. They were all standing on the roof of the mansion trying to see what was happening with Sean, Charles, Hank and Erik.

"No, this will definitely end with a funeral." Ali scoffed. "It'll be Sean's, Charles' and Erik's." Ali had the rest of the day to reflect on her thoughts about life, love and her conversation or therapy session with Charles. It was somewhat relaxing to know that Charles wasn't perfect and that he had some trauma too. A sick, twisted part of her was happy that the most optimistic person she had ever met was suffering too and knew what pain felt like, but she didn't dwell on that. Psycho bitch, much? "Sean will die from the fall, Charles will drop dead in shock and Hank will push Erik off."

"Like Bozo could shove him off." Alex scoffed. "He'd probably be shoved off himself."

"No one is getting shoved off." Moira assured. "What's happening?"

"Maybe if you shut up, I can tell you!" Raven snapped, turning from the binoculars. Ali scoffed before grabbing another pair.

"I can't see them- oh they're there." Ali squinted. "Sean, Erik, Charles and Hank were standing. Sen looked really terrified and Charles is doing his reassuring therapist thing and Hank looks pissed. Erik has that I'm going to murder someone look, and oh shit- oh shit." Ali went pale. "Erik pushed him off."

"What?" Moira paled out. "Did he die?"

"Shut up! We're trying to see!" Alex snapped. "I can't see him!" Alex panicked.

"Wait, seriously?" Raven grabbed the binoculars from his hands and put them near her eyes. "Oh god."

"Well, what do we do about his family?" Moira asked. Alex and Raven looked at her incredulously.

"What the hell?" Alex scoffed. "Sean might have died, and the first thing you do is discuss his funeral?"

"Oh shut up, all of you!" Ali scoffed. "Sean is fine! He's right there." Ali pointed to a small figure in the distance.

"Oh, thank god." Raven breathed out. "I thought we were going to have to clean Sean off the satellite."

"You three are immature idiots. I can't talk about funerals, but you can talk about cleaning him up?" Moira scoffed before leaving the roof.

"Nailed it." Alex snickered. Ali was positive that Sean had heard them somehow, because he flew over them, causing everyone's ears to pop and start ringing.

"Fuck you, asshole!" Ali screamed, despite not being able to hear it. She could distinctly tell that Alex and Raven were also shouting something, but she couldn't tell what they were saying over the ringing in her ears. She held her breath and tried to pop her ears. After a crackling noise excited her ears, Ali could hear Alex and Raven still screaming obscenities.

"Should've just waited for it to wear off." Ali sighed as she listened to them scream.

"And fuck you-" Alex started before Ali had interrupted him.

"Are you quite finished?" Ali scoffed.

"Sean." Alex added. "Now I'm finished." Ali scoffed before raising her middle finger.

"So Erik got his revenge." Ali laughed lightly as she, Alex and Raven left the roof.

"Sean didn't die though." Raven pointed out.

"So I guess Sean is still going to insist on eating food that hasn't been opened, I guess?" Ali deadpanned, making everyone laugh.

"He's seriously terrified though." Raven pointed out. "And Erik is not helping with his, I'm-going-to-disembowel-you look."

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