Chapter 15: "Not like that"

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Based on the comments and my own personal opinions, and the fact that finding gifs of Richa Moorjani is really hard:( ,I've decided that Naomi Scott will play Ali.

Edit: I have changed my face claims. Currently, I have Amita Suman as Ali. 

Ali woke up with her head pounding. God, why did she think it was a good idea to drink so much last night. Maybe she should've slept in. Barring the headache, that was the best sleep she had in a while. For the first time since she was twelve, she slept dreamlessly. No children screaming, sibling or otherwise. But, the headache felt like the voices in her head were trying to climb out of her head, and it looked like they were succeeding. She tried to pull herself up from the bed, only to realize that someone was holding her. She turned and almost jumped.

Alex was sleeping next to her, his arms wrapped around her waist. His face was buried on the side of her neck, and for a moment Ali was worried that he had suffocated, but the steady breaths near her ear proved her wrong. She tried to remove herself from the hold, but gave up and leaned back into him. He felt warm, and smelled like something she couldn't really put her finger on, like pine.

"Alex," Ali tried to shake him.

"Tired, sleep." Alex mumbled into her neck.

"I gotta go."

"I'm tired." Alex moaned, holding tighter.

"It's been like eight hours." Ali scoffed. "How are you still tired?" She tried to shift around.

"Haven't slept all week. Keep ruining the room." Alex muttered before going quiet, and Ali could tell he had fallen asleep. Her heart warmed. He hadn't slept all week? Suddenly, the burn marks made sense. She had her nightmares, and she took a while to get over them. She turned to look at the sleeping boy. She didn't want to disturb him, but it was taking all of her effort not to throw up right then and there.

"Alex, I'm gonna throw up." Ali covered her mouth after the statement. She could feel the bile rising through her mouth. After hearing that, Alex mumbled something under his breath and unwound his arms. Ali sprinted off from the bed and ran toward his bathroom. She just managed to open the toilet before emptying her stomach. The bile taste lingered in her mouth once she had finished and before she could clear the tears from her eyes the last remains of her lunch came up. She flushed the toilet, and rinsed her mouth, but the taste still lingered.

She walked out of the bathroom and found Alex clutching his head and groaning. Her own headache was throbbing, but she could suppress it. Mental practice helped her keep headaches under wraps. No need to accidentally disintegrate someone's mind. Alex mumbled something incoherently. "What was that?" Ali asked, causing Alex to groan.

"Not so fucking loud." Alex hissed. "My head feels like it's dying."

"That's what happens when you drink one and half bottles of alcohol." Ali deadpanned.

"Please shut up, Nichols." Alex whined. "There's a time and a place to be a wise ass and it's not now or here."

"Still, excusing the headache, that was actually the most amount of sleep I have ever gotten in one round excusing physical and mental exhaustion." Ali winced. "I should probably go and change."

"Hey Nichols," Alex held his hand out before he left. "Thanks."

"For what? Being your drinking buddy?" Ali snickered.

"No, although last night was pretty fun." Alex chortled. "For you know, sleeping with me."

"Oh shit, we did that?" Ali went pale. She usually had an impeccable memory when it came to hangover day, and she didn't remember hooking up. Although, she did drink a lot more than she usually did...

"Relax, Nichols" Alex scoffed. "Not like that." He rolled his eyes.

Ali breathed out. "Oh thank god." She smiled. "It's not that big of a deal."

"You know, that was actually the dumbest thing you've ever done." Alex scoffed. "Did you not notice the burns marks all over the room?"

"I was probably too drunk to care." Ali shrugged. "But, you didn't puree me, so I think it's okay."

"Last night was probably the most amount of rest that I've ever really gotten at once since I ended up in prison." Alex admitted. "Thanks for that."

"You did the same for me." Ali shrugged. "Well, I'm going before Sean asks us if we're fucking." Alex snickered and Ali closed the door behind her. Well, that was really messed up. She couldn't believe that she slept with Alex. Granted, it wasn't really like that, but it was still awkward and made her really uncomfortable to have to work with him after this. Alex was awfully chill about this, and right now her head was pounding so bad...

Ali walked into her door, her face crashing directly into it. Grasping her face, she opened it and stalked in angrily. She was in such a good mood and the stupid door ruined it. She just stared at the room, and swore loudly, not caring if she was heard. She grabbed a pair of clothes and stalked to the bathroom.

After showering and generally doing this a human has to do, she rushed down to the kitchen. She was barely keeping it together, and if she lost it, the pulses would release. Bad. She rushed in the kitchen, ignoring the affronted looks on everyone's faces.

"Hi Ali-" Ali began rattling the cabinets, looking for aspirin.

"The aspirin is in the third drawer over there." Charles pointed to a drawer she hadn't yet ransacked. "Please refrain from wreaking destruction upon my family's porcelain."

Ali ran over to the drawer, pulling out so fast she was worried she broke it. She took out the small pill bottle, and cracked it open. Pulling out two pills, she threw them in her mouth, swallowing them with no effort. "Oh that feels good." Ali clutched her head after the medicine sunk in, keeping her headache at bay.

"Why do you need aspirin?" Sean shrugged.

"Yes, why do you need aspirin?" Charles turned to face her. "Care to explain?"

"Look Charles, my head is throbbing so shout later, okay?" Ali sat down at the table and grabbed a glass of water and some dry toast. Chewing and taking sips methodically, she ignored the stares and the all-knowing look on Charles' face that suggested that he knew what had happened last night between her and Alex. Why couldn't he have shielding powers, Ali whined internally. "I got wasted, can we please talk about this later?"

"You're seventeen years old, you should not be drinking." She was pretty sure that Charles said some other shit, but she still had a headache, so all she got out of that discussion were the choice images of diseased lungs and livers that Charles projected into her mind.

"What do you want from me?" Ali asked politely.

"Ideally, I'd like you to stop drinking." Charles stated.

"Yeah, that's not really going to happen." Ali scoffed. "And let's talk about you, Professor. Why would a Professor have enough alcohol for a fucking bar?" She raised her eyebrow.

"That is different." Charles snapped. "The majority of that alcohol is not bought recently."

"Whatever, Professor. Just drop it." Ali finished her toast. 

A/N: Double update!! I went on a writing spree and ended up finishing this pretty quickly. I think that my next chapter will be another double update, but I'm not sure. IT will be however, seriously important. 

Also, can I mention how these Ali and Alex have one of the most awkward conversations ever about them "Sleeping together"? Like, it's so awkward to write. 

Comment and like if you enjoy! Seriously, someone like it. The number of likes is at an uncomfortable number at the moment. 

-Lonelyhuman out

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