Chapter 23: "In these?"

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"Okay, okay. I'm coming." Ali yelled as she pulled on her shirt. Little baggy, but it seemed to work. "Raven, quit pulling me." She pulled herself out of her grasp.

"Then, hurry up. We'll be the last ones there." Raven rolled her eyes. Ali chuckled lightly before running alongside Raven.

"I see you two decided to grace us with your presence." Erik replied coolly after Ali and Raven ran in the living room, out of breath.

"Give me a break, magnet-man." Ali glared before grabbing some toast and eating quickly. "Is there any coffee?" Ali asked, the voice garbled by the toast in her mouth,

"Close your mouth." Erik reprimanded. Ali paused to point her middle finger up and continued eating.

"Over there." Charles pointed. When she went to get a cup, a voice rang in her head. You really should try to close your mouth when eating.

Fuck off. Ali thought and poured the coffee.

"Alright, we need to hurry. There is only so much time on our hands before Shaw decides to start World War 3." Charles got up.

"But I'm not done." Sean looked down sadly at his last piece of toast. Ali swooped in and picked it up. "Hey!" He protested.

"Now, you're done. Let's go." Ali ate the last piece.

"Where's Hank? Did anyone see him?" Charles asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"Try the lab. He's always holed up in there." Raven suggested. Just before she left the room, Erik pulled her back.

"What happened?" Ali asked.

"Have you made a choice?" Erik whispered.

Right, that. Ali hadn't honestly, but looking back at what happened and what would happen to her, she'd do it. Save all of the other people who could get hurt. She'd kill him. "Yes." She replied. "I have."

Erik nodded at her, and left the room. Everyone walked silently and Ali nudged Raven slightly.

"You're beautiful, Raven." Ali whispered. "Please don't ever forget that." Ali squeezed her hand.

"I won't. Thank you." Raven nodded slightly, squeezing it back. Charles opened the lab door and pushed it open, and it was surprising.

The lab was entirely demolished, with vials lying broken on the floor, chairs flipped over and the microscope broken. Ali wrinkled her nose. Hank, the guy who nearly had an aneurysm when Sean moved a scalpel two inches was not having a breakdown about his beloved lab? And where the hell was he?

"This looks like the cyclone guy went for a spin." Alex kicked over a chair. "What the fuck happened to this place? How come Bozo pulled a Harry Houdini on us?"

"Harry Houdini?" Erik wrinkled his eyebrows. "What?"

"He's a magician." Ali explained. "No one could figure out how he escaped from shit."

"Was he a mutant?" Sean asked.

"He could've been." Ali conceded. "But, I'm pretty sure he's human. Not everything unexplainable is mutants."

"I found something. A crate with a note." Charles took it from the top of the box. "Gone to the air base, bring the crate marked X. Hank." Charles opened the crate.

Inside there were some blue and yellow suits with tags attached. Upon closer inspection, the tags had names printed on them. Ali pulled the one with her name on it. Dark blue pants, and a yellow and blue striped shirt. To be honest, she didn't know much about fashion, but these were some of the worst clothes she had ever seen.

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