Chapter 24: "Scream back to Virginia"

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Everyone sat there in absolute silence. Ali still had her fingers clasped around Raven's hand, holding it tightly. No one was saying anything and the closest thing that came to a conversation was when Sean started hyperventilating and Erik floated a nail near his eye. Sean stopped after that and settled for keeping his face in a look of terror. She honestly doesn't blame the guy. Barring MacTaggart, Erik and Charles, none of these guys had ever been in battle and she was going to face a murderous psychopath.

"Someone say something!" Alex groaned. "This is feeling way too much like prison right now. Seriously it's exactly like prison. There's the three main people: the nice one," He pointed to Charles. "The terrifying axe murderer," He pointed to Erik. "And the one who gives you your orientation." He pointed to Moira. "And then they're just people there for something you forget about really quickly." He gestured to everyone else. "So please say something. It's starting to feel like solitary confinement again."

"How long have you been waiting to say that?" Ali wrinkled her nose.

"A while." Alex admitted. "I was going to, before Erik threatened to murder Sean with a nail and Charles glared at him."

"Relax. Erik won't kill any of you." Moira scoffed.

"The day ain't over yet." Sean muttered darkly.

"I won't kill any of you. I need you to distract Shaw's followers." Erik spoke flatly. "I can't promise anything afterward, however."

Ali glared at him, before subtly taking off any potential metal on her outfit with her free hand. She'd risk falling rather than getting an unwanted piercing. "McCoy, are you busy?"

"No." Hank replied. "It's set to keep flying on autopilot. Why?"

"Why does my outfit look like it had a piece cut off?" Ali pointed to her chest.

Hank blushed, or it looked like he blushed. It was hard to tell with all the fur. "Sorry." He mumbled before turning back to the controls.

"Cute." She muttered. "Where are we?"

"We are currently flying over Miami." Hank replied. "We should be there soon enough."

"Cool." Ali pulled some light from the room, ignoring the pull in her gut. She leaned her head back, and twisted the light into a ring, with a plus sign in the middle. She raised her hand up, bringing the image upward.

"Beautiful." Raven raised her hand to touch it, her hand going through it.

"What is that?" Alex asked curiously. "It looks like an X."

"I don't know." Ali admitted. "Just made it out of boredom. We're not going anytime soon, so I figured I should try to do something."

"It looks nice." Charles complimented. Ali had a tight-lipped smile, remembering how Raven came to her the other night.

"I think it's pizza cut in four slices." Sean added. Everyone paused to stare at him. What the hell?

"What? I'm starving. Someone ate my toast." Sean glared at her. "I'm really freaking out. What if we die? What if we get captured? What if the psycho guy exploded us with his powers? Oh my god." Sean began hyperventilating. Before Erik could do more permanent damage, Charles pushed him back with a glare that read not now. Alex decided for some reason it was on him.

"Look, Sean, we're not gonna die." Alex promised.

"How can you possibly know that?" Sean demanded. "We're going up against a bunch of people who kind of wiped the floor with us last time. They killed Darwin, and took Angel."

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