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People knew the SBI had bad eyesight.

But not how bad the eyesight was.

After Tommy was disowned by Philza and Techno, Jack stole his house and hotel from him.

After he was revived he realized he'd been replaced by Ranboo in most cases.

All he had to do was be friends with Sam Nook and Ranboo would be Tommy 2.0 .

And of course be almost blind.

Tommy was apart of none of the countries in the SMP Region seeing as the ones he was apart of were either gone, disbanded, or people just left the country.

So unless he joined a country in half a year, he would be sent back to his old country and family.

Karl started hanging out with Tommy before eventually explaining the situation to SapNap and Quackity.

Both were okay that if Tommy wanted to join Kinoko Kingdom or El Rapids he could.

But Tommy didn't want to be a bother so he waited.

The few days before the 6 month mark, he officially joined Kinoko Kingdom.

He stayed near the edges as kind of a gaurd or hung out with Karl.

It confused Tommy why he did this.

He had no real idea who everyone was, how could he choose to protect one?

The headache made Tommy stop thinking.


What was he even just thinking?

Tommy looked around, the once familiar land looked distorted and fake.

There's no way this place actually existed.


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