The avian slowly sat up.

He felt like shit.

He got up anyway, not wanting to worry anyone.

He opened the chest that he had been putting clothes in.

Tommy was currently in Pogtopia because he was kicked out of his own house by Jack. Jack had even stolen his hotel.

Which was very rude seeing as it was meant for Tommy to start supporting himself.

Tommy slipped on pants and then a jacket.

The jacket was big on him thankfully.

Ever since exile, he barely ate, or threw it up later.

He had been getting more and more thin but he didn't care.

He thought he deserved being betrayed and being manipulated.

He never said any of it because he knew others would ask him why or cry.

He had started eating a small bit every day so he didn't die, but he still didn't eat as much as someone his age should've.

Tommy started walking up the stairs but feeling like shit and walking up stairs doesn't really work well.

He tripped and fell a few blocks and just decided to stay there.

If god really wants me to stay here I'll stay.

The blonde thought before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

He was awoken by someone talking to another person softly.

"...Go get Sam..." The voice he recognized as Puffy's said.

"...Yeah... Will do..." Another voice said.

It sounded like Tubbo?

He slowly opened his eyes to see that Ranboo, Ghostbur, Puffy, and Quackity were there.

How they found him he had no idea.

"...What the hell..?" Tommy muttered, the headache he had getting worse.

"...Tommy?" Quackity asked a bit loud.

"Yeah Big Q?"

Puffy looked at the blonde on her lap.

"Tommy are you okay?" She asked, worry and concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah... Just tripped on the stairs and decided to go back to sleep..." Tommy said.

No one believed him.

"Tommy... We think you've been asleep for a few days... We've been searching for you for 2 days..."

Tommy's eyes widened with worry.

"Shit... I have tasks to complete for Sam..." He muttered. "Fuuuuck...."

A few moments later Sam came down the ravine dangerously fast and almost falling off.

Tommy suddenly called out.

"Careful... There used to be safety railings but Wilbur removed them all because he just loved falling." Tommy grinned kind of big as Tubbo laughed.

Tommy was now leaned against Puffy who wouldn't let him go.

Sam rushed to the blonde kind of scaring him in the process.

Tubbo was about to say something when Tommy shook his head.

Sam was hugging Tommy.

Only Tubbo, Puffy, Sam, Ghostbur, and Tommy himself knew why Sam was hugging him.

Sam was in the process of adopting Tommy.

Tommy hugged back for a bit before pushing Sam off.

"So apparently I've been asleep for two days?" He asked Sam.

Sam nodded once Tommy finished talking.

Tommy obviously had a fever and had some dried blood in his hair.

Tommy was lead out of Pogtopia by Puffy and Sam. Tubbo was next to him hugging him.

Quackity and Ranboo went back to their houses to clean up seeing as they hadn't slept for two days.

When they got to Sam's base Tubbo was still attached to Tommy.

Puffy smiled slightly at the scene but Sam just laughed a bit.

He handed Tommy some of his older clothes that would fit him and Tommy  got Tubbo off of him. Tommy went to one of the rooms and changed, his wings were more comfortable Hiden in this shirt than his older one so he was kind of thankful. But, he didn't really want to put his hoodie back on seeing as Puffy would probably make him take it off.

He grabbed his clothes and put them in his inventory and slowly walked out.

Tubbo and Puffy were on the couch while Sam was in the fridge.

Tommy went to Sam and tapped on his shoulder.

He had always been afraid of physical contact and exile made it worse, but there were a few exceptions to his fear. He could touch someone and not be afraid, as long as they didn't touch back. It if he trusted them a lot, aka Tubbo or Wilbur, he wasn't as afraid if he knew it was them.

Sam turned to Tommy.

He smiled a bit seeing the blonde hadn't put on his hoodie, but frowned at how thin he was.

He knew he was thin from when he hugged Tommy and Tommy flinched, he had almost stopped hugging him, until Tommy hugged back. Signaling he just wasn't expecting it.

"Do you want some food or something Tommy?" Sam asked smiling slightly.

"I'll take an apple..." Tommy said grabbing an apple and taking a bite into it.

At least he's eating...

Sam thought as Tommy walked over to the couch.

Sam went back to cooking pancakes.

He was forced to make them by Tubbo, who was concerned for Tommy. Tubbo had made him make pancakes so that he would make it up for scaring Tommy when he hugged him suddenly.

Sam smiled at the not-so-long-ago memory.

Tommy sat down on Puffy's right leaned against her. Tubbo was laying on her lap looking at the TV.

Puffy leaned her head against Tommy's but didn't touch him.

She was the only therapist in all of the SMP territory so she knew a few things about Tommy. Including his fear of being touched.

She turned her attention back to the TV as Tubbo laughed.

Currently it was Jack playing Among Us.

Tommy smiled.

Even though he still felt like shit, he smiled.

He leaned against Puffy more as he started falling asleep.

...How does he keep doing this...

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