Art isn't mine. I downloaded it from chrome so I don't know.

Also sorry for not uploading Wednesday-


Thomas Simmons was an only child.

He was homeschooled for most of his life and he had very strict parents.

Because of this he was very mature for someone his age and had no friends.

When he tried to make friends they'd either laugh at him because he didn't know how to make friends, or they'd just use him for money.

When he turned 13, his magic came in like it does with everybody.

It gave him wings and changed his ears to be more pointy.

He was so excited to show his parents he went to go knock on their door but no one was home.

He waited for the entire day, but no one came home that day.

A few days later and they came home from a suprise business trip.

They didn't notice the wings on the boy and ignored him.

He was told to focus on his studies, so he did.

After two years, police stormed the house.

Tommy was reading upstairs in his room so he was terrified and thought someone had broke in.

When an officer found the boy he was holding a photo to his chest and was protecting himself with his wings.

The officer softened and lead him outside the house carefully.

He stood outside the house staring at it when his parents were brought out.

They glared at the boy makin him step away from them.

After that the officer that found him brought him to a police station and sat hi down to ask what exactly he was doing in the house.

"What do you mean? They're my parents..." Thomas said confusing everyone.

"...But they've never had children."

"Then you guys are mistaken. They are my parents. They've been taking care of me my entire life."

"They've never been able to have children though..." Another officer in the room said.

After that weird conversation they asked his parents who he was and did a DNA test to see if Thomas was really related to his parents.

His parents said they didn't know who he was. But the amount of things in his room and photos of him in the house said otherwise. Then the DNA test came through.

Thomas Simmons was actually Thomas Minecraft. The people who raised him had kidnapped him and raised him when he was about to be released to his parents. They said they were his parents and took him.

They were never identified and the mother died after a complication with her heart.

They contacted the father and told him what had happened.

The boy stayed quiet as they told him what had happened.

Most of the officers thought he would defend the people who raised him but he just shrugged and didn't care that much.


Philza got a call from a police department and instantly thought Techno got into a fight again. He answered it and to his suprise, it wasn't about Techno.

"Hello is this Philza Minecraft?" The officer asked.

"Yes. That's me." He said, "If Techno got into another fight I'll scold him when he gets home."

"No... This is about your third child. The one that was kidnapped from the hospital." The officer said the smile on Phillza's face slipping.

"What? You mean Tommy...?" He asked suprised.

"Yes. We found him." The officer said, "We want to ask you if you want to put him up for adoption or-"

"I'll come get him." He said cutting the officer off, "He is my son after all."

After the officer told him where they were, Philza grabbed his keys and drove to the police department. After picking Wilbur and Techno up of course.

The three walked in and the two teens were confused. Philza hadn't told them why they were there.

Philza asked an officer if he was in the right place. They said he was and brought the family to a small office. A tall blonde 15 year old was sitting on a couch reading a book.

The boy looked up at the at the man and the two teens.

The pink haired 18 year old and the 17 year old brunette looked at eachother, the blonde man, and back to the kid confused.

Just like when they first met.

"...Are you Thomas...?" Phil asked.

"...Yeah?" He said. "Are you three the ones that the officer called?"

"Yes... I'm Philza. The brunette next to me is my son Wilbur. And the pinkette is Techno." He said smiling.

"...So your my father?" He said suprising the two teens.

Philza looked to the two next to him and whispered something.

The two looked suprised and nodded and the brunette smiled.

"Yes." Phillza finally said to the boy, "And these are your brothers. I'm here to take you home."

Thomas smiled. He hopped off the couch and walked over to the three.

"We only have three bedrooms, so you can either room with someone, or Wilbur can move into Techno's room." Phillza said softly.

"I'll share a room if they don't care." He said shrugging.

Philza smiled softly and lead his family out to his van.

Wilbur and Thomas got into the back and sat down while Techno sat upfront.

"So... What's your favorite music?" Wilbur asked.

"I like a lot of types... My favorite songs would have to be Mellohi and Cat." He said.

"Ooo~ What's your favorite color?"

"Red. Yours?"

"Mines blue!" Wilbur said smiling. "Do you play an instrument?"

"I know how to play the piano and the violin."

"I know how to play guitar so maybe I can teach you! And Techno knows how to play the violin as well!"

The boy smiled at the older.

He already knew this though...

They had told him...

"Can we go to the Cafe I first met you three at?" Tommy asked.

"What do you mean? We literally just met?" Wilbur asked.

. . .

"I know how to play the piano and the violin."

"I know how to play guitar so maybe I can teach you! And Techno knows how to play the violin as well!"

The boy smiled at the older.

The two in the front also smiled.

Techno quickly stopped smiling and turned on music.

Wilbur stole his phone and turned on musical music that lead to Wilbur singing his heart out.

...This wasn't real...

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