CHAPTER 17: Recovering...

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Uchiha Sarada

Ever heard of someone being resurrected? That is exactly what happened to her. She awoke in a plain white room, watched over by her worried-looking parents. Her mother rushed forward as soon as she realized Sarada was conscious. "Sarada! Are you alright?"

"Uh—papa? mama? Am I in heaven? What are you guys—aghhh!" she felt a thousand kilojoules of shock strike her brain as she tried moving her limbs.

"Sarada! Don't move your arms or legs for at least a week! They have not yet recovered!" Her mother warned, carefully placing her back on the bed and staring at her lovingly. "I was so scared..." she pecked Sarada's hairline, tears falling on Sarada's forehead.

"Because I was about to die?" Sarada guessed, "relax mama, we'll all die one day, I'm just glad I didn't die before becoming a Hokage"

Her father had been standing behind the entire time, only coming forward after, "You will become Hokage in no time Sarada, you have surpassed yourself in bravery and sacrifice, I'm so proud of you... and I'm sorry, I wasn't there— I've never been there, I gave Sakura all the responsibilities of being a parent when I—I'm so sorry Sarada" she was certain she had never seen her father this frail. Her mom wiped her tears and placed a hand on her father's shoulder.

Sarada smiled at her father, "you were out there protecting everyone papa, you don't have to apologize for anything... besides, I've always been able to say I have an amazing dad"

"Sarada..." her father thanked her before leaning down and gently kissing her forehead.

Sarada couldn't be happier; she had just gotten a second shot in life, and she wasn't determined to let it go to waste.

Two weeks had passed, and the Chunin exams were quickly approaching. Sarada spent the majority of her time in her room, on her bed, reading, eating, sleeping, thinking, or talking. Team 7 paid her three daily visits, with the exception of Konohamaru sensei, who was away on a holiday, the specifics of which were still unknown, which annoyed Boruto, as he conveyed it to them. Team 10 and 15 also paid her frequent visits, which she appreciated.

Her body had almost fully healed; all that remained were her right arm and left leg to recover. She was able to eat regular food again, and breathing was much easier.

Boruto and Mitsuki were presumably out doing errands and would not return until later in the evening. Sarada was bored to tears, and she finally realized why Boruto said books were boring...

She recalled the moments leading up to her death when she was unable to articulate or sense her pain. Sarada had some regrets that she only realized with her last breath. Being disrespectful to Boruto, not training hard enough, and so on. Since they brought her back to life, she tried to be free of those regrets, to avoid thinking about them the next time she was about to die, but she couldn't because she didn't speak to anybody except her parents for the first week, so she couldn't justify to anyone. For the second week, she had been as busy as anyone else, but not with missions but with healing from her injuries. It was determined that she would express her remorse to him tomorrow... hopefully... if her pride got in the way again...

A slow knock on the door jolted Sarada out of her reverie "Sarada, are you there? May I come in, please?" Her mother's gentle voice requested.

"Yes, mama," the door opened quietly, revealing not only her mother but also aunty Hinata and Himawari.

"Hinata-san? Himawari? Please sit, it's so nice to see you!" Sarada said, feeling her boredom lift.

They were the other regular visitors; Aunt Hinata looked after her while her mother was too busy in the hospital, so she came around often with Aunt Ino. Sarada was extremely thankful to both of them.

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