CHAPTER 12: Konohamaru's mission

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"What a show-off," a feminine voice remarked from behind and above Boruto.

"Good to see you too Sarada," Boruto said, turning his head up and looking at her, who was sitting on a tree, "so, what are you doing?"

"I was on my way to Konohamaru sensei, he summoned the four of us for a training session. I came here to call you... but I got distracted by your innocent big head session" she said this while jumping down inches from his face. He noticed her cheeks warm up before she took a few steps back.

"First of all, I wasn't showing off dattebasa. Those kids were annoying Hima so I tried to talk to them but—"

"Good to see you Hima!" Sarada interrupted, walking to and ruffling Himawari's hair. She turned to look at him, "anyways, you better come to our usual training ground after dropping Himawari, ok? I don't want to get into trouble for—"

"You won't get into any big trouble for that dattebasa, I'll be there in a few. Don't worry and... get lost"

"With pleasure, see you there!" Sarada said jumping back on the tree and going the opposite way toward the grounds.

"Bye!" Boruto shouted, smiling to himself. Ever since he had returned to the leaf village, he had tried his best to keep his heart in check whenever he was around Sarada. No one could blame him; it wasn't his fault she had grown to become such a beauty! But whatever the way he thought of her, it didn't pass the boundaries of a friendly thought.


"Oniichan, do you like Big sis Sarada?" Himawari asked suddenly making him stop on the way into the Uzumaki residence.

"wha—what are you saying Hima?" Boruto asked his sister, feeling a sweat drop by his forehead.

Himawari raised her eyebrows at him, "don't you like her Oniichan?"

"Well, Hima, of course, I like her... she's my friend, right?"

"Yeah, even I like Big sis Sarada!" Hima said smiling and walking into the house, Boruto released a heavy sigh. By the looks of it, his mother had already returned from his grandfather's place. He had to go visit them sometime too... but he had to get to his team first.


"Yo Mitsuki, Sarada, Big bro Konohamaru!" Boruto greeted, grinning at everyone.

"You little scalawag!" Big bro Konohamaru said looking at Boruto. At least someone reunited with him differently... "why didn't you come to see me kore!?" Their touchy and emotional reunion took away about half an hour... and once they were done catching up, big bro Konohamaru decided to train them on a shinobi spar session. "we'll do Taijutsu first, so... let's put...mmm, ok, first, Daiki go against Sarada kore"

Daiki groaned, "why do I have to fight Sarada?"

"No complaints! Begin!" and just as Boruto had expected, Sarada had the edge when it came to Taijutsu, but he was still surprised at Daiki's skill, being able to keep up with her movements and having pushed Sarada to even unlock her Sharingan. They kept dodging and counter-attacking each other, Daiki took more hits than Sarada but he didn't give up yet, which Boruto admired. After a few moments, however, he fell to his bottom, groaning.

"I need a break," he said; catching the bottle Sarada had thrown at him and sipping the drink.

Big bro Konohamaru eyed them again before deciding, "Mitsuki versus Boruto" they didn't need to be told when to start. Boruto activated his Jōgan immediately to predict and see through Mitsuki's moves, which were very snake-like, stealthy, and hard to decipher in the moments time gap. But nonetheless, he could still keep par with Mitsuki, who must've noticed his change in Taijutsu fighting style... and when he said 'the change in Taijutsu fighting style', it meant he used the Hyuga gentle fist techniques now. It didn't mean he was perfect in it, to be frank, he barely even knew half the techniques, but still, in a speed Taijutsu battle, the Hyuga descendants were specialists, and Boruto was determined to prove himself in front of his team.

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