CHAPTER 07: Information

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It did trouble her; leaving Boruto to take all six of the shinobi down by himself just because it was his stupid solo mission... she was already beginning to dislike Shinki, he was so heartless. She wondered how Boruto got along so fine with him, probably found a way into his heart the way he had done to hers too...

They had been searching the area nonstop for almost an hour now, and there was absolutely no trace of the chakra weapon at all... they had already used the element tracking device Sumire had summoned through the scroll twice now, and they weren't taking chances to use it the third time.

"let's take a break" Shinki decided, "we'll set a tent here"

"Phew, at last, I was wondering when you were going to say that!" Wasabi said, stretching her arms and wiping the sweat off her forehead.

After they had set up tents and eaten fully. It was already midnight, Shinki told them he would watch out and that they sleep, Sumire offered that she did it, hoping she would be the one to greet Boruto if he ever did return by the middle of the night... which had a high probability... but Shinki had turned her down and insisted everybody get rest for the next day as they hadn't yet completed their mission. Seeing no reason or use to argue with him, she slept.

And she wasn't surprised to see Boruto back with them by morning, but what she was surprised to see, however, was the condition he was in...

Boruto didn't have any kind of sign he had fought, never the less, six rogue and powerful ninjas in a row. He was completely unscathed or hurt. Everyone else apparently, other than Shinki of course, was as shocked as she was. He was sitting across Shinki around the fire. And when he finally noticed them awake, he waved. "Hey you guys, good sleep?"

"Bo-Boruto Kun..." Sumire stuttered close to tearing up. She had been worried sick about him all night before she had fallen asleep.

"So..." Yoda frowned like she suspected Boruto of something, "you defeated all of them?"

"Mhm... yeah, it was easy dattebasa!" he replied scratching the back of his neck.

Sumire asked the second question, "did you hand them over to the village?"

She saw how his face slightly went pale. "Oh... yeah, now what about your mission? You guys done yet?"

Shinki stood up, "does it look like we are done?"

"Nope!" Boruto responded standing up himself.

"Then why do you ask?"

"What will you lose by answering?"

"I'm saying how irrelevant and stupid your questions are!" Shinki glared at Boruto who returned it.

"And I'm saying you won't lose anything by answering them!"

Yoda sighed. "let's get moving already! We can't afford to waste any more time on this mission!"

Boruto looked at her for a count of three, then pulled out another scroll from inside his back pouch. "I have to leave for the village now. I was supposed to accompany you all on your mission... but I found very important and classified intel on the Otsu— Uhm, anyway, I have to turn it in, I bet you could complete it without me anyways, dattebasa!" whatever he said, Sumire had seen the nervous glance he had sent Shinki after skipping whatever the Otsu was. She wondered what really had happened out there. But she decided not to question him.

Shinki nodded in approval, "when you get there, prepare a place for our team, we have a collaboration with team 10 there, you can leave now"

"Yeah, it's not going to make any difference either way..." Yoda said. Boruto gave her and all of them a smile before he activated his Jōgan. She felt her eyes widen and noticed everyone else's too, even Shinki was surprised this time.

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