As they stepped into Aru's home, Will was enveloped in an aura of warmth and familial love. The ambiance was imbued with the aroma of freshly baked birthday cake, a tangible expression of the care and thoughtfulness that Aru's mother had poured into the celebration. It was a moment of unparalleled happiness for Will, one that he had never experienced before in his lifetime. Here, amidst the cozy embrace of friendship and maternal affection, he found himself truly content.

The sight of the meticulously decorated birthday cake on the nearby table elicited a surge of joy within him. It was a confectionery masterpiece, adorned with intricate frosting swirls and delicate embellishments, a testament to Aru's mother's culinary prowess. As he gazed upon it in awe, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude towards her.

"Do you like the cake, my son?" Aru's mother inquired, her voice tinged with genuine concern. It was evident that she was eager to ensure that every detail of the celebration was tailored to Will's preferences.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much, Aunt," Will responded, his words laced with disbelief. To him, the entire scene felt like a surreal dream, one he was reluctant to awaken from.

A playful pout formed on Aru's mother's lips as she feigned hurt at being addressed as 'Aunt.' "Will, I asked you to call me Mom," she gently chided, her eyes twinkling with affection.

"OK, Mom," Will acquiesced, his cheeks flushing with bashful warmth at the endearment.

"Now, cut the cake. I have been eagerly anticipating this moment," Aru's mother urged, her enthusiasm palpable.

Taking her suggestion to heart, Will paused, contemplating his wish before plunging the knife into the cake. In that fleeting moment, his heart whispered a fervent desire, one that resonated with the depth of his feelings for Aru.

"I want to live with my Aru forever," he silently wished, his eyes closing in earnest conviction.

A delighted clap of hands punctuated the air as Aru's mother celebrated his wish with unbridled joy. Will couldn't help but smile at her innocent exuberance as he proceeded to cut the cake. With gentle precision, he first offered a slice to Aru, their shared laughter filling the room with an infectious sense of camaraderie. Next, he extended a piece to Aru's mother, whose eyes brimmed with maternal pride.

As the evening unfolded, Will found himself immersed in the warmth of their company, each moment etching itself into the tapestry of his memories. He learned that they had only recently relocated to New York from Washington, seeking a fresh start. Despite their initial apprehensions, Aru had struggled to find companionship in her new surroundings. Yet, in a serendipitous twist of fate, their paths had crossed, forging a bond that transcended mere friendship.

In the embrace of Aru and her mother, Will discovered a sense of belonging that he had long yearned for. Here, amidst the laughter and shared moments, he found solace in the realization that family was not solely defined by blood, but by the bonds of love and affection that bound them together. And as he basked in the glow of their acceptance, he knew that he had found a home in their hearts.

As the birthday celebration drew to a close, the gentle glow of twilight enveloped Will's majestic mansion, casting a serene ambiance over the estate. Aru's mother, with a tender smile gracing her lips, accompanied Will to his grand abode, where they were met by the awaiting maid and butler. In the quiet exchange between the adults, a silent understanding passed, as Aru's mother recognized the void that lingered in Will's heart, a result of his parents' absence. With a compassionate resolve, she vowed to fill that void with the unwavering love and care of a mother.

In the days that followed, the bond between Will and the family deepened, weaving threads of affection and companionship into the fabric of their lives. "Her father also loved him as his son," observed Will, feeling the genuine warmth in every interaction.

Every weekend, the trio embarked on enchanting adventures together, their laughter echoing through the corridors of time as they reveled in each other's company. "Sometimes they went to the amusement park for fun," reminisced Will, recalling the joyous moments spent in carefree abandon.

For Will, however, the true essence of happiness lies in the luminous presence of Aru. "I cherished her the most," confessed Will, his heart swelling with affection. Her infectious laughter and endearing gestures held a magnetic allure, drawing him into a world where only she existed. He found himself captivated by her innocence and charm, cherishing every fleeting moment spent in her company.

At the tender age of seven, Aru possessed a wisdom far beyond her years, a legacy inherited from her mother. "She loved him too," affirmed Will, a soft smile gracing his lips as he spoke of their bond. Like a radiant beacon of light, she exuded kindness, generosity, and humility, her actions infused with a genuine desire to spread joy and warmth to those around her.

Inspired by the selfless example set forth by her parents, Aru embarked on a journey of boundless compassion and empathy, her heart overflowing with boundless love for her newfound friend, Will. "She was only seven years old, but she had inherited all of her mother's qualities," remarked Will, a sense of awe coloring his words.

Their friendship blossomed with each passing day, their bond growing stronger with every shared moment. Together, they reveled in the simple joys of childhood, their laughter echoing like the mellifluous strains of a distant melody. "Most of the time, Will and Aru played together and ate together," Will recalled fondly, the memories of their camaraderie etched deep within his heart.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Will and Aru's friendship evolved into an unbreakable bond, a testament to the transformative power of love and companionship. "Their friendship became even deeper," Will mused, a sense of gratitude washing over him. And as they embarked on the path ahead, they knew that together, they could conquer any challenge, overcome any obstacle, for their friendship was a beacon of light that would guide them through even the darkest of nights.

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Lots of love 💕
From your author,
24 May 2021

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