Chapter 23

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"AH!" The person cried. Hazel eyes reflected in the light of the enchanted netherite sword but Technoblade still couldn't place who this was.

"Who are you," Techno demanded, his voice a low growl.

"Oh my- oh my god-" The man breathed, his voice shaking and his eyes wide with fear. "T-Technoblade-"

"Name," Techno demanded.

"Please- please don't kill me!" The man pleaded. Techno held the blade closer and squinted, trying to figure out who this was. He was familiar...

"George?" He said after a moment, slightly confused.

"Please don't kill me- please- I just came here with Dream, I just- we're just-" George was unable to finish what he was trying to say as he started hyperventilating. Techno lowered his sword and released George from the wall.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," He said, eyeing George from under his pig mask. "Please calm down," George shook his head quickly, his eyes still wide. After a moment Techno rested a hand on George's shoulder. George flinched and let out a gasp of fear. "I won't hurt you," Techno said quietly. "I promise," George stared at Technoblade for a moment, still breathing heavily and shivering slightly.

"I just- you- an- and" George stammered. After a moment he gave up trying to form words and just stood there pressed back against the wall.

"Don't be afraid," Technoblade said. "We should get you back home, come on, you said Dream was here? Let's go find him so you can go home," Techno said. George nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off Technoblade for a moment.

"You're- you're really not gon- gonna hurt me?" George said after a moment. Techno forced a smile and shook his head.

"Killing you wouldn't benefit me in any way," Techno assured him. "I won't tell you I've changed, because I haven't, but I can assure you there's no need to be afraid of me," George let out a sigh of relief but he still looked a bit scared and he was still shivering. "Do you know where Dream is right now or do I need to go find him?" Techno asked.

"He said- he said to meet him in the arena in five minutes," George said, his tone as shaky as his limbs. The arena. Technoblade didn't move from where he was and by the look on George's face, the other man must have noticed his fake-looking smile had vanished. "What's wrong?" George asked worriedly.

"Nothing," Techno said, shaking his head quickly. "Come on," He led George away from the wall and out of the room, pausing to take one last long look at the scarred walls and dark shadows. It didn't take long to reach the armor room that opened up into the arena and soon George was heading out into the dusty plain. Technoblade halted one pace from the sunlight, feeling frozen in place. He could see Dream now, he was standing in the center of the arena looking at them expectantly. George turned when he realized Techno hadn't followed him.

"You coming?" He asked, eying Techno warily. Technoblade couldn't think of anything to say. I- I can't. He thought, staring at the dusty ground in front of him. "Techno?" George's voice snapped him from his thoughts and he looked up.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Are you coming?" George called.

"Yeah," Techno said. Saying I can doesn't change anything, I can't. Techno had never been so frustrated. Going in here used to be so easy. When had it changed? Why can't I. It's just a dusty field... a dusty field soaked with dried blood... the dried blood of people I killed-

"You still haven't moved," George commented. Techno looked back up, shivering despite the heat coming from the warm sunlight.

"Why don't you just go," Techno said after a moment, shifting uncomfortably. "I don't need to talk to him, just- just get him and come over here," George nodded after a moment and Techno cursed silently for being a coward. Why? He thought. Why can I just go out and kill people but I can't walk into a friggin circle of dust? After a moment George headed back toward him but Dream stayed where he was.

"He said he's not coming over here, you have to go see him," George said. Son of a bit- "So are you coming?" Techno hesitated, staring at George and then looking past him at Dream who was standing with his hands behind his back. Is he taunting me. Techno thought. Why is he like this?

"Tell him if he wants to talk then he can come over here," Techno said after a while.

"Ok," George turned and headed back toward Dream, exchanged quick words before heading back. "He said, 'you can't hide forever pigman,'"

"Bastard," Technoblade hissed. "I'm not a pigman,"

"You want me to tell him that?" George said.

"No," Techno said. "I'm not gonna squabble with a man who scribbled a face on a piece of mesh and called it a mask,"

"I'm gonna tell him that," George turned before Techno could say anything. After a moment George came back. "He said just friggin come over here Dave," George paused. "And he said your name is lame,"

"At least I'm not named after a brick," Dave muttered. George's eyes widened.

"You know his name?" He said.

"You know what, just- see ya," Techno turned around. If he won't come over here, then... fine. I'll just go do something else.

"Hey!" Techno stopped as he heard someone yell at him. "Hey, turn around, look at me when I'm talking to you," Techno sighed and turned to glare at Dream who had come a bit closer.

"Yes mother?" Techno sneered. "What do you want?"

"How is it that you kill people easily, unfazed even, and you can't walk into a dusty circle?" Dream said.

"I'd be careful about what I say, green man," Techno warned. "I'm not in a particularly good mood today,"

"What?" Dream said. "Oh no, are you gonna come in here and attack me? Or are you scared of the dust?"

"Stop talking," Techno growled, narrowing his eyes. "You'd better stop talking right now,"

"Ohhhh... you're scared of me," Dream said. "Ok," Techno turned around fully and marched toward the edge of the arena. Dream backed up and grinned at Techno who stopped a few paces short of the dust.

"Why are you doing this?" Techno hissed.

"You can't come in here and touch me," Dream said. "Well, you can," He shrugged. "But you're scared. So I can say what I want,"

"You do realize there are bows in here, right?" Techno growled. Dream stopped, hesitating for a moment. "Now who's scared?"

"Alright," Dream muttered. "I'm not scared," He said. "I'm not scared of you," George was still standing beside Dream looking a bit worried now. Techno shifted, glancing to the side where a bow and some other weapons laid on a table. 

"Why are you here," Techno asked.

"If you come over here I'll tell you," Dream said. 

"Then leave," Techno said, narrowing his eyes. "I brought your friend to you, so please leave if you're not here for a good reason,"

"You're just telling me off because you're scared and you won't admit it," Dream hissed. "It's not a big deal, it's just an arena. You've murdered people, so many people, and you can't just put one foot into a dusty ring?" Technoblade was starting to get angry now and he gritted his teeth, trying to stay calm. "Pathetic," That's it. Techno reached over and grabbed a fishing rod, whipping it toward Dream. The green-clothed man was soon entangled in the line and Techno yanked the line toward him. Dream leaned back on the line as if he'd been expecting it and grabbed the thin string, pulling Techno toward him. Techno gasped as Dream yanked the fishing rod forward, forcing Technoblade to stumble forward. He staggered and skidded to a halt a few feet forward. Sunlight burned his eyes and he shifted, realizing he was standing in the arena now. "Got 'em,"

I have to do more chapter, I'm sorry, technically I did only write on but it got to be over 4,000 words long so I split it in peices. I hope you're up to read some more. 

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