Chapter 16

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Dream was sitting in his house with George, Sapnap, Bad, Antfrost, and Skeppy. They were all trying to come up with something but it had been two days and no ideas had come up. Well, besides running but that wasn't an option according to Sapnap.

"We are legit going to die, why don't we just give ourselves up now?" George muttered.

"If we do that he'll capture us and force me to kill you," Dream said.

"You mean force us to fight you. You wouldn't kill us, would you?" Bad said, staring at Dream worried.

"No," Dream said. "I misspoke. I wouldn't kill you," Unless I did... He shook the thought away.

"Why can't we just run away?" Skeppy said. "It would be easier, we don't need this particular place. Wouldn't you rather be living than dead?"

"We have to stay," Antfrost said. "This is our home,"

"Yeah," Sapnap agreed. "I'm not leaving even if you cowards do,"

"We're not cowards for wanting to live, Sapnap," Dream said.

"Says the person who ran away just a few days ago," Sapnap growled.

"You locked me in my own house! I just wanted to be free," Dream snarled.

"Stop fighting," Bad said. "It won't help," Dream muttered something under his breath but didn't say anything else.

"They have to show up any day now," Antfrost said. "It's been a while, they're probably ready to attack by now,"

"What if Technoblade did join them?" George said after a moment.

"He didn't stop talking about it!" Dream said. "He's probably still in the arena where I found him," He growled.

"He was in the arena?" Sapnap said. "Why would he go back there?"

"Because he had nowhere else to go," Dream said. "You kicked him out of the only other home he's ever known, so he had to go back there,"

"Seems a little sus to me," Skeppy muttered. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. Dream thought. Don't argue. It's not worth it.

"Nevermind Technoblade," Bad said after a moment. "If he joined he joined and we'll have to fight him, if he didn't we're over worrying ourselves and that's just that. So how about we just don't talk about him, like how you don't say Beetlejuice because-"

"He said Beetlejuice!" George said.

"You said it too!" Skeppy gasped. "We're cursed!"

"No no no, it was just an example, it doesn't count!" Bad said. "It doesn't count! I was just saying so- like how about we don't say the name Technoblade because bad things might happen maybe?" Bad said.

"You just said his name," Skeppy said.

"It was a demonstration!" Bad yelled. "It does not count!"

"Ok ok, enough," Dream said. "I'm going outside," He got up from where he was sitting and headed for the door. Dream sighed as the fresh air hit his face. Now what. We have no plan and we're all about to be attacked. Dream headed slowly toward the center of town where Tommy and Tubbo were hanging out. "Hey guys," He said.

"Oh, hello green man," Tommy said.

"Hi Dream," Tubbo said.

"Do either of you have a plan?" Dream asked. "Because the idiots in my house are talking about Beetlejuice," He sighed.

"Wow," Tommy said. "I think we're all about to die,"

"We'll probably be captured," Tubbo said. "Death would be nice though,"

"You should go put your mask back on and get some armor," Tommy said. "MrBeast could show up any day now,"

"Why my mask?" Dream asked.

"It makes you look more terrifying," Tommy shrugged.

"I can agree with that," Tubbo added. "You might be able to scare him away,"

"I wish," Dream sighed. "Fine, yeah I'll go do that," He said, turning back around.

"You came back," Sapnap said.

"Just putting on some armor," Dream said. "We should start preparing to fight,"

"Ok, see ya then," Sapnap said.

"I'm gonna get some armor too," George said, standing up. The others agreed and soon everyone was gone. It didn't take long for Dream to get his ax and armor and a shield. His original mask had been destroyed by Technoblade in the arena but he had spares. Listening to Tommy's advice, he took one and put it on. The mask gave him a sense of power, maybe because he knew it scared people, maybe because now he didn't need to worry about facial expressions. He wasn't sure.

"So we're just going to walk around with weapons now?" Dream heard George said.

"I guess," Antfrost shrugged. Then George turned to see Dream and nodded.

"You put your mask back on, nice," He said.

"Hey! You listened!" Tommy called, running up with Tubbo. They had diamond swords but no armor.

"What if they don't show up?" Dream asked.

"They will, probably soon," Tubbo said. "It's been a while,"

"Yeah," Dream agreed.

"Maybe they just ran away, half the guards are gone, does MrBeast really have that big of an army?" Bad said.

"I dunno," Sapnap sighed. "Hopefully not,"

"Hello, peasants!" Dream stiffened and turned to see two guards standing in front of the village. Perfect timing. Or maybe they're just here to negotiate. He thought hopefully. Then another figure headed forward and grinned.

"The war starts now," MrBeast hissed. A load more guards headed out from the trees and fell into line behind him. Soon everyone in the village had come outside, some in armor and some probably just wondering what was going on. "Or you can surrender now," He shrugged.

"No," Dream said, walking forward. "There will be no surrender,"

"Nice face," MrBeast said. "Scary," He sneered.

"It's not the mask you need to worry about," Dream hissed. "You surrender now," He demanded. "Or we will show you no mercy."

"I like your bluff," MrBeast said. "But I can count you know, and I can tell we're evenly matched."

"So we could win, surrender," Dream said.

"I don't think so," MrBeast said.

"We've got better armor than you," George called. "Some of us have netherite, we'll destroy those iron chest plates,"

"We have a few more warriors than you," MrBeast said.

"Just a few, there's no difference," Dream said. "We'll still win," MrBeast let out a cackle and shook his head.

"You have no idea do you?" He hissed.

"No idea of what," Sapnap said.

"Hey," MrBeast turned around to face his army. "Where's our secret weapon?" Dream stared at the crowd of fighters as they made way for someone to slide between them. The moment the golden crown caught the sunlight, Dream knew it was over. No. He thought. He- he actually... he did it.

"Hey," Technoblade said. "Nothing personal, but I recall we never truly finished our fight," He said, staring at Dream.

"We didn't, did we," Dream said tensely. "How can you do this. I trusted you and you're betraying me," Techno let out a sad laugh and shook his head.

"That's impossible," He sighed, his pale blue eyes narrowed. "You can't feel betrayed by someone you never cared about in the first place," Techno shifted, revealing full netherite armor and a matching sword.

"On the left," MrBeast said, grinning slightly. "Dream, a former member of the Beast Arena and the only person to ever survive a fight against Technoblade," He paused, watching Technoblade walk forward. "And on the right, Technoblade, the blood god, five-year champion, undefeated. Let the fight begin!" 

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