Chapter 21

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Wilbur and Chris had called a meeting with a few different people. Dream had been invited, and being bored and lonely, he had decided to show up. 

"Alright guys," Chris said. "You've been brought here today because we need to make a decision, a big decision,"

"Why are the children here?" Phil asked, eyeing Tommy and Tubbo.

"Because we're bored, and I am not a child. I'm almost a man," Tommy scoffed. 

"Almost," Wilbur sighed. "Not quite. They're here because we need more voters and they both know Technoblade better than some of us,"

"Not really," Dream muttered. "None of us have the right to say we know him," 

"I do," Phil said. 

"Right, you do," Dream said. "But we can't just decide the fate of someone we hardly know,"

"Hardly knowing him will have to be enough for now," Chris said. "We're taking a vote, here and now. Can Technoblade come back or do we leave him to starve to death in the arena?"

"We hunt him down and kill him," Dream stiffened and glanced to his left to see George staring defiantly up at Chris and Wilbur.

"That's not an option,"

"It has to be an option," George said. "It has to be what we do, he's too powerful, he needs to die,"

"You can't just kill someone, George," Dream hissed. 

"How can you of all people here say that?" George snapped, turning his fiery amber gaze onto Dream. 

"Because I understand what it's like," Dream growled. "I know how he feels because we've been through the same things,"

"I'm not going to let you two argue again," Wilbur cut in before George could counter. "We're not killing him, even if we did somehow manage to kill him, he'd take a few of us with him," 

"If you know that's what he'd do, why are we even considering letting him back here?" George said. "Murderers don't get a second chance,"

"Then I guess I should leave?" Dream hissed. "Is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah, maybe that is what I'm saying," George said. "What's stopping Dream from killing someone, huh?" George looked around. Silence. No. Are you kidding me? Dream thought.

"Nothing," Dream answer finally. "There's nothing stopping me, but here I am not killing someone because I have at least some common decency." He snapped. "What's stopping any of you from killing someone? Nothing! But none of you are killing anyone because we all know there's no point and it wouldn't end well for anyone,"

"Techno doesn't," George said.

"Stop fighting," Wilbur said after a while. "We're not here to talk about what Dream did, we're here to decide what to do about Technoblade," 

"Who votes to bring Technoblade back, who votes to let him do his thing?" Chris said.

"He should get to come back," Dream said. Tommy, Chris, Phil, and Wilbur all nodded while Karl, Sapnap, George, and Tubbo stayed silent. 

"So it's four to five, Techno gets to come back," Chris said.

"No!" George cried. "He can't come back! He'll kill us!"

"Calm down," Chris said. "It's been decided," He said. 

"That's not fair," Tubbo said after a moment. "You're voting for him to come back because you're his friends. If this is going to be fair we need to bring it up with the rest of the people that live here,"

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