Chapter 22

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Technoblade's POV;

Technoblade lifted the brown leather book and stared at it. Glittering gold bound it together on the edges. Memories seemed to be entwined with each thread that held the pages together. My book. Techno thought. It's been so long. After a long moment of staring at the blank brown cover, Techno looked up and examined the room he was standing in. He was currently in Wilbur's room, the room Dream had been staying in, but after a moment he headed down the hall a few paces to another room. 

Although the room wasn't much darker, this room's walls were filled with shadowy memories. If these walls could talk they'd scream. Technoblade thought, staring around the room. There was a shelf to his left and a bed to his right but the wall in front of him was the most unnerving. Gashes littered the wall in a pattern. Talley marks. Talley marks that Technoblade had put there. Just by glancing at it, he knew exactly how many there were. I haven't been in here for ages... He thought, slowly entering the room and sitting down on the edge of his bed. He flipped to a random page, not caring if it were the first one or not. 

June 29, 2016

I tried to escape and failed badly, some guy with a turkey mask came and knocked me over. Or at least it looked like a turkey mask, when I said that out loud he got mad at me and now I've got a big scar on my face. Someone told me to wear a mask to cover the scar but I dunno, masks are creepy. They also said to choose a cooler name than 'Dave' but my name is perfectly fine. What else would I choose? My name is all I have left of my parents so I'm keeping it whether they like it or not.

Technoblade sighed, staring at the messy handwriting. He remembered that. He remembered it vividly. Although the words sounded mostly annoyed, he had actually been on the verge of tears while writing it. No one had bothered to help him with the scar Vulture had given him, he still had that scar to this very day, and the pain combined with the realization he wasn't going to be escaping and the worry for Phil... it had been too much for him. That's when I really met Chris. Techno had talked to Chris before this moment, but right then was when he'd changed his mind about the other man.

Five to six years ago, Technoblade's POV;

Dave gripped the iron sword tightly and charged down the hall. People yelled and demanded he come back but there was no way he was going to listen. I need to get out of here. He was confused and scared, these strange people were making him kill people, and he hadn't seen Phil for days now. The exit was within view now, he was so close... he could almost touch freedom. SLAM. Dave gasped as something knocked the wind out of him and he was flung to the ground. 

"What do you think you're doing, kiddo?" Dave wheezed a bit as the blade was wrenched from his mask and looked up to see a man. Or at least maybe it was a man... Dave couldn't tell. 

"Running," Dave hissed, catching his breath.

"Escaping perhaps?" The newcomer hissed back, twisting the iron sword slightly. 

"Who says 'perhaps' anymore?" Dave scoffed. "The future is now old man," 

"I'm not an old man," The man growled.

"So you're a turkey then?" Dave said, eyeing the mask that covered this man's face. "Your face looks like a turkey that's been desaturated." He snickered. The man growled and raised the blade. Dave's eyes widened as the sword came down and before he could raise his hand to deflect the blow a sharp pain cut across his face, trailing from the corner of his eye to his cheek. He gasped, feeling sticky liquid slide down his face, and watched in shock as scarlet blood dripped onto the floor. Pain seared through his veins and he raised his hand to cover the wound, gasping slightly.

"You're such a child," The man snarled. "You need to shape up if you're going to live much longer, even if you do manage to kill a few more people I'll make sure you die when you fight me." The man hissed. "This is your warning," Before Dave could say anything, not that he was going to anyway, the man turned around and marched away, still grasping the blood-stained iron blade. Dave's arms were yanked away from him and he was hoisted to his feet. People started dragging him down a hallway to the prison cell he called home and before he knew it he had been thrown harshly against the stone wall opposite the iron bars. Dave winced and grabbed his face again, fighting back tears as the pain worsened. 

"Put a mask on, that's a nasty scar," One guard commented. Dave didn't pay attention and just held his hand to the side of his face and stared at the stone bricks on the floor. After a moment he shakily lowered his hand and let out a choking sigh. The moment his hand touched the floor, crimson stained the stone below him and his blood started dripping onto his shirt again. Oh what's the point? Dave thought sadly. God this hurts! He hissed slightly and continued to stare at the stone bricks.

"Hey," Dave looked up to see a familiar face and gritted his teeth in anger. He raised his hand and forcefully wiped away some tears and a bit of blood, glaring at the newcomer. "You ok?"

"Why do you care?" Dave hissed, trying to keep his voice from hitching. 

"I was just wondering," Chris said. "I care because you're my friends," He added.

"Friends don't do this to each other," Dave growled, pointing to his face and then around to the room. 

"I'm sorry," Chris said after a moment. "It is my fault you're here, but I know how much a single sorry can mean. I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry for what I've done to you, and I don't expect you to forgive me," Dave didn't know what to say. Chris was right, it did mean a lot, especially now, after everything that had only recently happened to Dave. Dave lifted his hand and wiped away another wave of blood, and maybe a few tears, and stared at Chris who looked back at him. After a moment the other man nodded and turned to leave.

"I forgive you," Dave said before he could get too far. Chris turned back around and met his gaze. "If this is who I'm meant to be, then there's nothing I can do about it is there?" Dave shrugged. Chris nodded. 

"Alright," He said with a smile. "See you," Dave watched him leave, glancing briefly at his bloodstained hand and then sighing. I guess this is just life. 

Present time, Technoblade's POV;

Technoblade carefully put the book back down. He missed Chris. He missed Phil. I miss Dream. Techno wanted to see someone, anyone, and just talk to them. I'd even talk to Antfrost or BadBoyHalo, even Skeppy Sapnap or- Techno was cut off as he heard footsteps. Without thinking he grabbed his netherite blade and slid toward the door as silently as possible. The door opened and someone walked in. Techno hadn't turned on the lights and he couldn't tell who the newcomer was as they walked hesitantly toward the far wall.

Who is that. Techno thought, suddenly prepared for a fight. As the man sighed and stopped, seeming slightly relieved, Techno used his right hand and closed the door slowly, only causing a single sound as it clicked shut. The man in front of him stiffened and started to turn but before he could turn fully Techno lunged and slammed him against the wall. He drove his knee into the man's gut, pinning him, and then grabbed one wrist with his left hand and held his netherite blade to his throat.

I lied. Haha. One more chapter. 

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