Chapter 120: The night will be over soon

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We exited the cave, we started to walk a trail in the forest, which we think is to the school.

Tenn: Aasim was the third.

We stopped walking and looked at him.

Y/N: What?

Tenn: When we kicked you guys out, it was me, Violet, and Aasim who wanted you to stay.

AJ: Omar voted us out? And Ruby?

Tenn: Yeah.

Clementine: Why are you telling us now?

Tenn: Aasim said you two knew what you were doing. He could tell that with you guys, the school is safer. And he's right. If it wasn't for you guys, then we would be killed or kidnapped right now.

Y/N: Marlon still saved us, even after all he did. And you helped us too. We owed you guys.

Tenn: Maybe. But we're even now. We owe you guys now.

Clementine: You don't owe us anything. We're safe now. That's all we wanted.

Y/N: Amen.

We then heard something in the woods. It was just Lee, Kenny, and Louis. AJ ran to them and hugged him. Me, Clem, and Tenn went up and hugged them too.

Louis: You guys aren't dead. That's good.

Clementine: Did everyone make it back safe?

Lee: Yes.

Kenny: We got everyone back to the school.

Y/N: You came looking for us?

Louis: I never would've forgiven myself if I didn't.

Y/N: Thanks man.

Louis: I still can't believe it, the raiders are gone. And we got everyone out alive. Violets eyes aren't infected. They are waiting for us back at home.

Y/N: Know where that is?

Louis: There should be a bridge, follow me.

We had a nice chat on the way to the bridge, Louis has this dream house he wants to build. And me and Louis got along great. We made lots of jokes on the way back too. Me and Louis are really becoming best friends. We made it to the bridge.

Kenny: Jesus, that's far.

Tenn: Really far.

Louis: I think we can jump it.

Lee: We can. We just need careful—

We heard someone singing in the distance.

???: Never mind the darkness. Never mind the storm. Never mind the blood red moon. The night will be over soon.

It was Minnie, her face was fucked up and she was very pale.

Y/N: Shit.

Tenn: Minnie?

Minnie: I did it! I found you! Oh, Tenn... My sweat little brother. Come with me.

Tenn: You're dying.

Minnie: Yes! Yes, I am. I'm finally going someplace better. I want you there with me.

Tenn: Where everyone gets to be a person again?

Clementine: Tenn, look at me. That's not your sister anymore. Don't listen to her.

Minnie shoots her gun in the air.

Minnie: Don't you fucking speak to him! Any of you!

We all hide behind a truck.

Louis: Minnie! Please stop!

Minnie: He needs to be with his family.

Y/N: Don't do this!

Minnie: Don't worry, Tenn. They can try to stop me. But I'm not going anywhere without you. The night will be over soon.

I try to grab Tenn, but Minnie shoots at me. I get back behind cover.

A herd showed up.

Louis: I'll get the kids across. Cover me.

Me, Clem, Lee, and Kenny both start shooting the walkers.

Louis: AJ's across, but Tenn won't budge!

As we start to shoot again. Minnie kicked Clem in the face. She tries to axe her, but Clem dodges. A Walker grabs Clem, Louis kills it. Minnie slams Louis against the wall. Minnie then aims her gun at me.


She tries to shoot me, but her gun is jammed. I take the gun from her, she spits in my face, I drop the gun, she then swings her axe down, but Kenny was able to grab it before it cut me, Kenny then elbowed her away. Clem grabs the gun and shoots Minnie into the walkers, the walkers start to eat Minnie alive.

Louis: You guys get across. I'll get Tenn.

I grab Minnie's axe. Me and Clem jump the gap, we had to help Lee and Kenny.

AJ: Louis, let him go! You'll die!

AJ then shot Tenn, which brings him towards the walkers.

Louis: No!

Lee: Louis! Jump!

He jumps over, then looks back at Tenn getting eaten by the walkers.

Louis: Tenn! Fuck!

Kenny: We got to move! We can mourn Tenn later.

We ran till we got to a fence, Louis got over it. Then walkers started to corner us.

Y/N: There's to many of them! Go Louis!

Louis: What about you guys?

Y/N: We'll be fine!

Louis then runs off as we kill some of the walkers.

AJ: Let's climb the rocks!

Y/N: Go! I'm right behind you!

They climb up the rocks.

Clementine: Now you!

AJ: Hurry!

I try to climb, but some walkers pull me down, Lee shot a walker before it but me. They pull me up.

Kenny: Little too close, don't you think?

Lee: That was a close call.

Y/N: Thanks for the save.

Clementine: Thank god!

AJ: Should we head back?

Y/N: Yes.

We walk all of the way back to the school.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя