Chapter 95: Train Station

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We all made it to the train station, it was a long walk, so it's nighttime. There was a lot of walkers around, so we had to take cover.

Clementine: That's where the food are.

Y/N: More walkers though.

Louis: We're gonna die.

Violet: It's either die here or die from hunger. Take your pick. Clem and Y/N, maybe you two should scope things out. You guys know the place better.

Me and Clem nod as we sneak up to the train.

Clementine: We could climb up there. But I don't know how that can help us get inside.

I then look at the bell and the sign.

Y/N: That bell can get the walkers attention.

Violet: They do like to follow sound.

We hear Violet whisper. We go back to them.

Louis: Got a plan?

Y/N: The bell can draw the walkers. If one of us climbs up the train and starts ringing it...

Violet: Louis. I vote Louis.

Louis: Uh, hold on. I'd like to make an alternate suggestion.

Violet: Come on, Louis. You're loud, dramatic, annoying... You're basically a walking distraction.

Louis: I think you mean charming and theatrical. Entertaining is another word that comes to mind. Charismatic.

Violet: See what I mean?

Clementine: I think Violet pretty much summed it up.

Louis: Ouch. I see how it is.

Violet takes out her cleaver.

Violet: I'll go with you guys. Give you some cover.

Louis: Fine, I'll do it. But if I die, I'm making sure walker Louis eats all of you first. I'll distract them until I see you guys reach safe cover. Then I'll try to redirect the smelly patrol to give you guys a chance to spring inside the building.

Duck: I'll go with you. Just so you aren't alone.

Louis: Got it.

Y/N: I will signal you guys when we are ready.

Louis grabs the bell.

Louis: Good luck.

Duck: Stay safe guys.

They sneak away. We were able to get to the station with Louis distracting the walkers.

Y/N: Clem, AJ, you two go inside. Me and Violet will stay out here just in case.

Clementine: Okay. Come on AJ.

Clem and AJ go inside to look for the food. Me and Violet are just watching the walkers and making sure that nothing happens.

Violet: You know..... You and your group are cool. Nice to have you guys.

Y/N: Thanks.

Violet: No problem.

We wait for a few minutes. Clem and AJ didn't come back yet, which worried me.

Y/N: Something isn't right. I'm gonna sneak in and see what's going on.

Violet: Okay. I will stay out here.

I sneak in the station, I see a ugly man with two colored eyes with a cigar that I saw at the shack. He was aiming a gun at Clem and AJ. Clem had her hands up as AJ was aiming his gun at him.

AJ: Don't steal from us!

Man: I'm not stealing. This isn't yours.

AJ: I can kill you.

Man: Come on, kid. I'm faster then you. You're gonna quit pointing that gun at me, and let me go my merry, you understand?

I was able to sneak without the man seeing me and I then charge at him towards the window. Walkers get a hold of him.


The walkers pull him out of the window and start biting him.

Clementine/AJ: Y/N!

I hug both of them.

Y/N: Are you two okay? Did he harm you two?

AJ: We're fine.

Clementine: We need to get out of here.

Violet comes in.

Violet: What the fuck?!

Clementine: Take a bag and fill it up!

We all got bags full of food and we all start running out. We see Duck and Louis on top of the train.

Clementine: Run! Now!

They do so and catches up to us.

Duck: What happened in there?

Violet: Just move!

Y/N: I'll tell you on the way.

We all continue to run back to the school.

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