But then he sees All Might.

Has he come to save him?

All Might's large hands take the muzzle off, and Bakugo eyes him, hopeful.

There's a medal in his hands. Perplexed, then realization.

'I don't want the shitty medal!'

He's being indignant, screaming angrily about how much he would rather die than wear a relic of a match he didn't even truly win.

But the medal nears him, it's gold glimmering before him. But not all that glitters is gold.

The hands that should have untied him, participate, draping the medal over him. Bakugou yells for All Might to stop, but before the word even gets out, the stupid necklace is on his tongue, fastened in his mouth.

In front of national television.

He's been __ed again, in front of national television. Bakugou spent hours looking on countless definitions for the word, and this fits into it. It's what it is. Does All Might not get it? It takes everything for Bakugou not to tear up, and his eyes are bulging at the teacher. Waiting. Hoping he'd see. That he'd understand. But All Might's cowering away from his stare, murmuring about how scary teenagers are nowadays.

How am I the scary one?

Please just stop this.

Untie me!

The spike is at a very low point.

But Bakugou, back at home. He's washing the dishes, the sound of TV runs in the background. He looks at the sink and breathes in, trying to recollect his thoughts. Trying to really wonder what happened there. Bakugou's already seen the clip a thousand times, but the comments underneath all those videos label him a monster, woman beater, abuser, and unheroic. Some say it in one word.

Others elaborate in paragraphs.

But in retrospect, It makes sense. I get why they'd think I was going to hurt them. They chained me so I wasn't a risk. In front of everybody. They chained me up in front of everybody so I wasn't a risk to anyone.

That makes sense.

That's okay.

There's a finger at his neck, he's being led into the wondrous dimension of whatever a purple portal could lead him to. He sees Midoriya's desperate face, but doesn't read it as arrogance. He sees it for what it truly is, concern, worry, and pain so raw it causes the blond to flinch.

He reassures him as he is led into the dark, unfeeling portal. Like a hole in the midst of the earth.


They tied him up again. But he's more cognizant about his surroundings, so he doesn't panic.

The cracked one speaks, but the second they invite Bakugou to join their twisted band of broken kids, the blonde's pulling himself from the conversation. It's not worth it to spend one's limited hearing on this.



Confused tones, Bakugou's more adamant on being a hero than he is of being a villain.

Younger him had been stupid, thinking there was such a thing as bad and good. Like those were real things, viable, and even easy to touch, that he'd win virtue over by becoming a hero. But he was wrong. Bakugou was wrong. The bad and the good are merely just theorized ideas, nothing alludes to the fact of their reality except a few solid rules in place that society is lulled in. Killing a human is seen as inhumane, but in other cultures, it isn't a big deal. For some, it's their ideology as good. A sacrificial one.

The thing is, good and bad were ideas made by people unable to protect themselves or people wearing a sheath of bravado. Then they enlightened others and formed what really is modern society. The unprotected need to be shielded by the people that wield strength, Bakugou later found he had no problem conforming to that. Although he'd rather be cracking villain skulls and snapping their goddamn spines like a righteous motherfucker, protecting others is part of what's seen as the populated good.

If killing people was more widely accepted for some atrocious reason, would Bakugou do it?

Is his soul that malleable? He likes to imagine he'd be fixed on this path, because he truly has no other choice.

The line between bad and good is perceived as thick and easy to see, but that's just a facade of washable marker. And god, both squares get cleaned and reimagined quite easily.

But Bakugou's sticking to the former in heroes and villains.

Bakugou's not becoming what he hates.

Bakugou's already that.

But each shred of dignity would go away if he were to join the band of broken kids. Bakugou doesn't want that.


His hand.

It's reaching out for him.

Did they really come for him? Bakugou looks at All Might, knowing he's backing down for the safety of the blond. And he holds his breath, taking in a shuddery sigh. Watching the hand drag further away, he finally lets himself be carried away by it.

The stupid shitty hair smiles at him, watching him power himself to the sky to meet them. Deku's there.

But he's accepting Kirishima's help, Bakugou tells himself, not Deku's.

Does that make Kirishima equal to me?

I think.

That's okay.


A/N: This is more like a writing test! Any tips?

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