Getting Smarter & Transmissions

Start from the beginning

There was a loud roar coming from inside the bus and just like a magic trick The Beast revealed itself. It's eyes glowing a bright light blue and his shockingly enormous monstrous frame sending a sense of panic through Zara's body as she huddled closer to Scott and Stiles, the two of them holding onto one of her arms.

"That's big, nobody said it was that fucking big." Stiles says with a hint of fear in his voice.

"I did." Liam replies

Then Parrish goes to face the huge monster but it just makes it run for it, Zara hears glass shattering and then she sees the shadow of The Beast taking off into the night with Parrish taking off after it.

"So what the hell was that?" Stiles asked blinking about 10 times like he does when he's mind blown by something, usually for other's stupidity though.

"It's getting smarter, that's what that was." Argent replies with an unknown look on his face.

"Okay, well that's enough supernatural for me." Zara turns to Stiles, "Can you please take me back to the loft now so I can sleep and hope to god I don't have nightmares about what I just witnessed?"

The next morning Zara is walking into the boy's locker room because Corey asked to see her after what happened at Eichen. When she sees him she instantly pulls the boy into her arms, and then she shoots back.

"Sorry! I bet you're still healing, did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. I mean yes, I'm still healing but it doesn't hurt." He shrugs before pulling his shirt over his head, Zara frowns as she scans the burns left on his skin.

"At least they're gone for the most part."

Corey nods before pulling his shirt back on, "I was just telling Mason something but I can tell you too."

Zara frowns, "What's up?"

"He wants to leave." Mason says

"What? Why?"

"Because.. living here is dangerous, I.. I'm scared." Corey says with a vulnerable look on his face which makes Zara just wanna pull him into yet another hug.

"We're all scared, Corey. But.. this place needs protecting so I put my fear aside and I do what I need to do to make sure that my home and my friends will be okay. I understand if you wanna leave though, but we do need you Corey, especially now." Zara then shoves Mason towards Corey, he flushes but gulps before going to speak.

"I need you." Mason says, his voice laced in emotion.

Corey shakes his head, "No, you don't." He pauses, "You're too smart to need anyone, it's the smart ones who always survive."

"Then survive with me. Look, Scott's gonna have a plan, they always do. A couples weeks ago he brought Hayden here with cell phone jammers to block the frequency of the Dread Doctors..." Mason trails off and that's when Zara comes back into view.

"What is it Mason?"

He turns towards her and glances at her and Corey, "Follow me." he says before taking off, Zara looks at Corey who just shrugs before grabbing his stuff and exiting the locker room with Zara as they both chase after Mason who's making his way out of the school and out onto the campus.

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