Too Close

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It was now the day of my interview and I had woken up early to make sure that I wasn't late for it. I threw an outfit together and put very little make up on. Kamal left early because he had something very important at his office. He still made breakfast for us before leaving and I was very grateful for that. I grabbed my keys, closed the house up and made my way to my car. I got in and made me way towards the city. 

I parked my car in the parking lot of the company and made my way towards the building. I greeted the receptionist and she told me to wait while she called Mr. Alaric. I sat in the waiting room for what felt like a million hours went by. Eventually my name was called and I went to his office. 

"Good morning Ms. Diago, I've heard good things about you." he said in a layed back tone. 

I smiled in response to what he said and started talking. "Good morning Mr. Alaric. Lola told me that you were looking for a new PA and she knew that I was looking for a job. I'm grateful to be here. Thank you." I replied confidently. 

The interview went on and on until he stood and told that that was all he needed and that he didn't need to interview anyone else because I was his new PA and I start the next day. "What? I-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he cut me off by saying, "I like you. You sound like someone that takes their work seriously. That's what I need. Plus I went through your resume and application letter and I was impressed." he said smiling at me. He leaned on his desk in front of me. He was really close to me and I started to feel uncomfortable so I stood up, thanked him for his time and for giving me the job and left. I stopped at a ice cream palour and decided to call Lola and take her for ice cream. It was lunch time so she should be able to come and meet me. 

After waiting for 20 minutes, she came through the palour door and walked over to me. We ordered our ice cream and sat down to talk about the day's events. 

"How was your interview ma?" she asked in a cheerful tone. 

"It was...weird I guess?" 

"What do you mean it was weird?"

"It felt like he was flirting with me but i'm not sure"

"He has always been like that. All you need to do is ignore him"

"I'm gonna be his PA so its gonna be really hard to do that Lola"

"That's true but don't look into it too much. I'm sure he was just being friendly. Leave it alone until he shows extreme signs okay? Plus you just got the jobbbbbbbbbb!" she squealed.

"Yea yea, I did. I can't wait to get off the house more often. I love being there but a little change of scenery would be nice right?" I smiled.

 We caught up on each other's lives until Lola's break was over. I went home and decided to put together some outfits for the week. 


Kamal came home and we decided to order food instead of having me cook. We got pizza, a box of fries and a box of wings. As we were eating, he spoke up and asked about my day. "My day was okay. I got the job and I went out for ice cream with Lola after. How was your day?" I said before putting a couple fries in  my mouth. He took in everything I said and thought before speaking. What he asked after made me almost choke on the food that I was swallowing. "Did he flirt with you? Did he touch you? Did he push anything on to you?" I looked at him stunned before swallowing my food and telling him about everything that happened. When I was done, I asked how he knew and he said that Alaric had a reputation. I knew exactly what Kamal did. He asked me about Alaric for a reason. He did his research on him. I know that he is overprotective but that was his job. To protect me. We spoke until we both got tired and went to bed. 

In the middle of the night I flew up out of my sleep because I was having a nightmare. Kamal caught me and pulled me into his arms. I felt warm and fuzzy inside that he was there for me. It was weird that he was awake though. I look over on his side of the bed and saw that he was reading a book with a book light. "Are you okay mama? He asked in a low voice. I nodded and snuggled into his arms even more. 

A ping came from my phone and I knew it was a message that came in. 

"It's 3 AM, who would be texting you this late?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know" I said while getting up to get my phone.

I took my phone off the charger and sat down on the bed to open it. I opened my phone and realized it was Lola. She and her boyfriend had broken up and that she was gonna need me for at least a couple days. She lived on her own so I would be able to stay with her until she recovered. I gave the phone to Kamal so he could read the message and I sat and looked at him while waiting for his approval. He read the message, looked at me and nodded. I thanked him with a hug and went back into bed with him. He read to me and cuddled me until I went back to sleep. He knew I was gonna be extremely tired in the morning because I woke up in the middle of the night. 

This was my happy place. And no one could mess that up. 

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