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I bolted awake as soon as I heard the loud sound of the alarm on Kamal's bedside table. He slid his arms around me and drew me back down to him and kissed me. "Don't worry about that mama, I'm not going in today. I smiled and kissed him back. This truly felt like heaven and I didn't want go back to reality. 

Without realizing that I had fallen back to sleep, I woke up at 10 am. The alarm sounded this morning at 7:00. I rolled over hoping to see my lover but he wasn't there. Frowning, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up before making my way downstairs. When I made it downstairs, I smelt breakfast as I always do. This made me get butterflies in my belly. We had came to an agreement that he would make breakfast and I would make dinner. And that's exactly what we did from I moved in with him. 

"Good morning sleepy head" he said as soon as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Good morning..." I replied smiling from ear to ear. I didn't want to hold him back from focusing on making breakfast so I turned and made my way to the dining table and took my seat. Watching him with lust in my eyes made me lose hearing because I didn't hear when he called my name. "Jay?" he asked in a concerned tone. "Hm?" I replied startled. He smiled and slid my plate to me. 

In the middle of eating, I had realized that we never go to talk about what happened with my mom. Most of all he forgot to give me ice cream. 

"What happened yesterday?...with my mom?" I asked. He took another bite out of his toast and cleared his throat before speaking. "Your mom wanted to make amends with you because she finally realized she had no one. Your sisters aren't there with her and you were the last child she had left. She took full credit for what happened the night of your fight and she tried begging me to let her see you and try to talk to you. I knew you wouldn't like that so I told her to give you time". I listened with many thoughts running through my head. Was my mom sick? Was she suicidal? I kept asking myself this because being alone and feeling lonely can let you do scary things. "I only hope she's okay. I don't think i'll ever forget what happened but I forgive her". Kamal was shocked with what just poured out of my mouth. I know. I was heated yesterday but it is what it is. After talking to him about random things, I excused myself from the table to clear the dishes and wash them. 

We spent the day chilling and bonding even more. He taught me how to shoot a gun. Different kinds of guns too. We lived very far from everyone so no one would be able to hear the gunshots. We swam in the pool in our backyard and I made dinner outside as he read his book. We have an outside kitchen that was beautiful as hell. I enjoyed cooking outside because nature was beautiful to me. So being able to take it in as I made dinner made it peaceful. 

"Princess?" Kamal started. "Yes daddy?" I answered without turning to look at him as my focus was on the pork chops in front of me. "I'm going to the store to get you more ice cream and some other things for the house. Is there anything you want or need?" I smiled and told him I wanted a pack of Cheetos and cream cheese. He didn't respond so I knew he was looking at me. I slowly turned around and noticed that he was closer than I expected. He was literally in my personal space. My face connected with chest. I slowly looked up at him as he spoke. "That's not a totally weird combo but are you okay kitten? Is there something I should know?"

I was confused. Did he think I asked for that because I was pregnant? I mean we have lots of sex but I'm not pregnant. "I'm fine. That's just what I wanted. Isn't that what you asked me?" he smirked at me and said, "Don't get smart with me, I can still bend you over that counter and fuck you senseless". My breath hitched in my throat. He turned me around, slapped my ass and went inside. I smiled and went back to work on my masterpiece. 

Three hours later...

Where is he? He left 3 hours ago and he hasn't even called to tell me he was gonna be late. It was almost 9 pm and I was getting really worried. I decided to call him. It rang and rang and rang until he picked up on the fourth ring. "Where are you? I thought you said you were only going out to get some stuff and come back?" I asked worriedly. I heard different voices in the background like he was around people. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. After a couple seconds I couldn't hear people anymore and I was met with Spade's voice, his assistant. "Hi Ms. Diago, Mr. Jones is in a meeting right now. Do you want me to pass a message along?" A MEETING? What was he doing in a meeting? I suppressed my anger and told Spade never mind and that I just needed to know where he was. 

Two Hours Later...

I was in our bedroom when I heard Kamal pull into our driveway. At that point I had gotten so upset that I ate my dinner alone and placed the leftovers inside the refrigerator. I didn't bother to help him or even greet him. Instead, I buried my head into one of my favorite books that I was reading to distract myself until he got home. 

Hearing the sound of the front door closing and the grocery bags being placed on the counter, I knew he was now inside the house. I could hear him coming up the stairs as he was on a call with someone. I'm a jealous person so that had made me even more upset. He walked into our room and immediately placed his shoes in the closet. He then took off his clothes and came off the phone with whosoever he was talking to. He went to take a shower and as he closed the door to the bathroom, that's when I got up and went to the kitchen. 

I was putting away the last set of groceries when he came into the kitchen putting on a shirt. He was saying something to me but I ignored him. I was too upset to listen to him. "Jay?" he tried. I ignored him again. "Jay'. Ignore. "JAY!" He shouted. I placed my cheese on the counter with a bag of Cheetos and turned to him with a glare. "Yes?" I responded. He stalked towards me like lion looking at its prey. I was nervous because I knew what could happen but I kept my stance. 

"You better get rid of that attitude and listen to me. Don't get upset. They called an emergency meeting when I was walking out of the grocery store. I was gonna call you but I got caught up." he said strongly. "I ate without you, Your food is in the fridge." I said and made my way upstairs.

I knew I was in trouble but I didn't care.  

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