New Beginnings

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It has been 3 years since I moved in with Kamal. His parents decided to give the house to him and I after they came to the conclusion that they wanted to stay in England. I met his parents about a year ago and they fell in love with me. When they were here, we were always out with them. We went bungee jumping, went to water parks, restaurants etc. His mom and dad were 6 years apart and they were known for having the world's largest charity foundations and they were very rich. What they did exactly was still unknown to me, but it really wasn't my business anyway. They were nice people and I hope I get to see them again soon. I was now 19 and I was able to get a job at a cafe in our area as something to pass the time because Kamal had me in the house cooped up.  I felt bad because I couldn't bring anything to the table except for normal house wife things like cooking and cleaning as I was barely getting any cash from being a barista. 

"Are you okay princess?" I was startled by the booming of my dominant's voice. I hadn't realize that he was in front me. We were outside on his balcony laying and watching the stars in a blanket. "I'm okay. I'm just thinking about everything that happened during our winter break a few years ago. I just can't believe my mom kicked me out and for NOTHING. She's sick!" I began to work myself up. "Relax baby, you're with me now and that's all that matters. Your mother hasn't been okay for a good while now and she will in due time. Just let her". I sighed and sunk into his arms more. I have been dealing with my mom and her antics for years but it got worst when she kicked Kimara out. At that point she had given up on trying with me as her daughter because she thought that everyone was leaving her behind. It started with my dad cheating on her with multiple women and then him asking for a divorce. That broke her but she thought she had some kind of leverage between them because she had 3 daughters with him. Nyla as the oldest, Kimara as the middle child and I being the youngest.  That didn't last long because they ended up going back to him even though my mom took him to court many times.  


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I was awaken by shouting downstairs. It sounded like 2 persons. I could hear clearly that one of them was Kamal but I couldn't make out the other voice that clearly. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put a face to the voice. I quickly put on a pair of grey sweats and a white tank top and went downstairs to see what all the noise was about. 

"WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I SEE HER KAMAL?! SHE'S BEEN OUT OF SIGHT SINCE THE DAY YOU SAID YOU WERE LEAVING! AND THAT WAS 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO" Lola shouted. It was my best friend. I hadn't seen her since I left school early to go home and cry my life away because of the message she passed on to me. She was right. I hadn't seen her for 3 whole years and I know she tried reaching out to me but I couldn't face her. My mom had started spreading rumors that I beat her up and ran away. "She's resting and getting back to a normal and calm state Lola. She'll be okay soon. Now if you could calm down and stop shouting before you wake her. I know you haven't seen her in forever but I couldn't force her to contact you. I tried asking and she was very upset about it.". I walked in to the living room and my best friend spotted me immediately and ran over to hug me. She grabbed me and squeezed me until I couldn't feel oxygen reaching lungs anymore. 

"Where the hell have you been Jay? I've been worried and I went to your house and your mom told me you ran away. I knew you wouldn't do that and I tried calling and you ignored me every time. I started to think that you died". I rolled my eyes and what I saw next made me know I made a mistake. Kamal was staring into my soul and I knew he saw when I rolled my eyes. Shit. SHIT. I was in trouble now. I started panicking internally and turned my attention back to my worried best friend. I brought her up to speed and she was in shock after my story was done. "I always knew your mom was a crackhead but damn bitch. She had no right to kick you out". I laughed and sat down with her to catch up on what has been happening with her life. 

After hours of talking to Lola and catching up, she left and went home. Where I lived wasn't far from our neighborhood but it was good drive. I smiled and watched her pull out of the drive way. After a couple mins of standing in the door frame and staring at the trees and clouds, I decided to head back inside. I couldn't find Kamal and I was really tired so I started for the stairs. By the time I was at the top of the staircase, I heard him speak. "Not following the rules now aren't we?" he said in a mischievous tone. I turned and saw him at the end of the staircase and he was now coming directly for me. I stepped back, afraid that he might bend me over the railings and punish me right then and there but I would've enjoyed every part of it. By the time he was directly in front of me I was becoming breathless. It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. He was now in my personal space and he was only coming closer. He didn't stop until I was backed up against a wall. "Why do you have to be such a brat Jaden? Why can't you just listen to daddy?" he asked while smirking. "It wa-...It was an acciden-..accident.." I stuttered. 

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you'll never feel right fucking another guy. I'm gonna leave my mark on your cervix. I'm gonna stretch you so far that only my dick is able to fit in you. Don't play with me Jay. I give you instructions or orders, you follow them. Am I clear?" Kamal sternly asked looking down at me. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I'll listen next time". He turned his head and started breathing down my neck and hovered over my boobs. He traveled back to neck grabbing it and hovering over my weak spot. "Please..." I begged. He stayed there for what felt like forever and then he walked away chuckling. HE WAS FUCKING LAUGHING AT ME. I needed my release. I needed something. He can't leave me like this. My underwear was now drenched with my wetness and he left me hanging. I hated him so much right now but I guess I deserve it. 

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