Chapter 3~ Hot Girl from the Ocean at 3:00!

Start from the beginning

He kept his intense gaze on me and to lighten his serious mood, I smiled a bit at him. He gladly returned it with his own dazzling smile. I felt little butterflies in my stomach when he did. If Anoop knew what just happened when this boy smiled at me, she would flip.

“ANOOP!” I suddenly shrieked and tried to jump out of the bed, but all the boys pushed me back down.

I have to help her! She needs me! I struggled against them, then I jumped up from the bed, onto the curly haired boys back, causing him to fall face first into the bed and I landed on the hardwood floor. I sprinted for the door but before I got there, a muscled pair of arms wrapped themselves firmly around my waist from behind me. I started screaming and trying to uselessly hit them off me in attempt to escape. The person tighten their grip and I screamed louder.

“Liam! Loosen your grip on her! You're scaring her!” At once, the person's grip on my waist thankfully, got much looser.

I took that chance to stomp on his foot with all my might and he cried out in pain. I swiftly snatched the dagger at his waist belt and pointed it to his throat. No one moved. The boy with the short brown hair looked from my eyes to the knife pointed at his throat and nervously licked his lips.

“Woah..” A voice muttered in appraisal and shock. Then for some reason, they all started smiling and clapping.

“What!?” I asked them.

“Shalimar, amazing job! Nobody ever beats Liam! You're gonna be an awesome addition to Camp Half-blood.” The guy with the devil-ish glint in his eye and side swept brown hair said.

“Beginners luck.” The guy, Liam smirked. They're wasting time! Urggg!

“Stop! The reason I'm here is because my best friend is about to be eaten by some snake eared bird thing! We need to save her and we need to go now! I'm not letting my best friend get killed by some ugly monster that was my math teacher!” I screamed at them.

Wow, if someone had seriously said that to me, I think I would put them in a mental hospital. But those boy? Oh no, not them.

They just ran out the door as soon as I told them and yelled “lets go then!”

I was on a chariot with the 5 boys and we were almost to Vancouver. The ride from New York to Vancouver was a surprisingly short, 20 minutes, but it still didn't feel fast enough. In that time, the boys had each intruded themselves and told me a bit about camp and who I was. I was a demigod. One of the gods from Olympus (yes, like REAL gods) had relations with my mortal parent and here I was. I had the blood of a god running through my veins, and not just any god, but one of the most powerful gods on Olympus. Poseidon, god of the seas. The guy that I talked to in my dream, he was a god, and he was my dad! That meant that my half brother was the boy with the curly hair and green eyes; Harry. He had the reins and he kept talking to the Pegasus. You think that's weird, the Pegasus would talk back to him! When I pointed it out, the 4 boys looked confused, but then Harry called out from the front of the chariot.

“It's a Poseidon thing! He's also the creator of horses, so Poseidon kids can speak with them. If the boys forgot that then they are all failures as demigods!” Then the boys started playfully arguing and making fun of each other.

Zayn was the only one not bothering with the boys childishness so he told me why I was at Camp Half-blood. Camp Half-blood was a special place for Greek demigods, where they could train and learn to master their powers, for if they ever left camp or went on a quest. He explained how all demigods have a scent. The more powerful the god, the more powerful the scent. Monsters can smell this scent and that's why demigods get attacked by monsters. In Camp Half-blood, there is this magical border which only demigods and creature along that line can cross. Mortals can't get in and neither can monsters. It's the only safe place on earth for Greek demigods.

“Hey lads, and lass, we're here.” Harry spoke up from behind the reins. I gave a sigh of relief. “Let's go save my best friend!”

Harry decided to crash through the windows of Mrs. C's house and land in her living room. “Smart thinking dear brother.” I snarled. I don't think you would like it either if you crashed through glass. He turned to me and gave a cheeky smile, while I rolled my eyes. Louis jumped out of the chariot even before it landed and he disappeared around a hallway corner. Once the chariot was on the ground, the rest of us jumped off and started down the same hallway Louis went down. The echoing scream and Anoop filled the house as she and Louis rounded the corner. She was swinging a bat at him and screaming.

“ANOOP STOP!” She looked up at me and dropped the bat. She ran straight for me.

“SHALIMAR! YOU CAME!” We crushed each other in a bone breaking hug.

“I was afraid I came too late. I ran into a lot of troubles.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“I blacked out, I woke up and somehow found myself on a beach near New York, blacked out again, had a realistic dream where some beachcomber guy said I was his daughter, who was apparently a god, woke up in a bed surrounded by 5 guys, and one of them just so happens to be my brother and got here by a flying chariot pulled by talking Pegasus. Now, here I am!” I replayed my crazy day and Anoop smiled at me.

“No really what?”

“I just told you what! It's all true!” Her eyes got really big in realization to what I just said.

Wait! What the heck happened to Mrs. Crocker?!

“Anoop! Where's Mrs. Crocker?” I asked remembering why we had to save Anoop.

“I think.... I think I killed her. I stabbed her with that spear and she turned into gold powder.”

“Yeah, you pretty much killed that monster. She's gone to Tartarus now. It could be days, weeks, months or even years until she reforms again. That's as close to dead your gonna get with monsters. You're lucky if they don't reform in your life time. And lass, you can really bring a bat down hard on someones head.” Louis exclaimed. I looked, and saw a bloody wound on the side of his head.

“I am so-” Anoop started, but Louis stopped her.

“Hey, its okay. Things happen. My fault for having a head shaped like a baseball.” He joked.

“Do you have a guardian living by Shalimar?” Niall questioned. Shoot! That meeting with my mom! She needed to tell us something important today.

“Yeah, my mom lives around here. Maybe about 15 minutes by car, 2 seconds by chariot.”

A/N~ Here a fun fact guys! Shalimar and I actully are the bestest friends and known each other for about 10year now! aha most of the things we write will be true and will reflect on our personallite. But other times it will be fake because we need some kind of drama for the book. Keep reading/sharing/vote to ! Love you all

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