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This has been an adventure, hasn't it?

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This has been an adventure, hasn't it?

I started writing Astronaut way back in January 2021, as I was bored of online school and needed something to do to fill my time. I had near enough no plan; all I knew was that I wanted to write a Stray Kids fanfiction inspired by Among Us, as I had recently gotten into playing the game. (I haven't played it for ages though oop-)

When I wrote the first chapter, I didn't even have any idea of which character would be the impostor. I actually ended up asking my group chat to choose a number between 1 and 7, and the number they chose would determine who was the impostor. I had already planned an emotional scene for Chan in the story, and didn't want him to be the impostor, hence why there were only seven options. It was Ella who chose the number four - meaning that Jisung would become the impostor.

I really wanted to include the relationship between Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix, as I haven't seen many stories at all that encompass this ship. Felix becoming an age regressor was something I had been questioning including for a while, but eventually I thought it would add an interesting element to the plot, so included it.

The relationship between Chan, Changbin and Jeongin was sort of just the left-over members - I had already paired Minho and Jisung up at this point, and I wanted everyone to be in a ship. It wasn't until the second or third chapter that I realised I had paired up the Maknae On Top unit, but I promise, it was unintentional! It turned out to be a good match though, and I made sure that the trio had some good times as well as bad.

I guess you could say I'm sorry but not sorry about how many people died. I feel like the deaths really added to the plot, and it was something necessary to make the story more interesting. If Jisung had been a pacifist impostor, I think the story would have been a lot more boring, as it would just be the characters doing their tasks and exploring their relationships - so there would be little to no angst involved.

You're probably a bit confused as to why I made Minho an impostor too. It's simple: he loved Jisung, and would do anything to keep him safe from the voice, even if that meant he himself became corrupted by it.

Some days I would be able to write an entire chapter, proofread it, and upload it, so at times there were chapters uploaded almost daily. But there were a couple of large breaks, particularly between chapters 11 and 12 being uploaded. This is because I had two weeks of exams, and then two weeks of taster lessons for Sixth Form - but I have finished school for the year now, so I made it one of my priorities to finish Astronaut (even though I did end up writing Why Am I Not Conventional because I had writer's block). I'm sorry for making you wait so long, but I really hope it was worth it!

Now to the thanks.

I would like to say thank you to Ella and Lynette for being here since the start of the story, when it was just a small idea. I really appreciate you being here and helping to make decisions for the story.

Ella, thank you for also making the trailer for Astronaut! It's amazing, and I am very thankful to have it.

Thank you to Edith, who started reading the story a couple of months ago because I basically forced it onto her during our iMedia classes. You didn't know who the characters were, but recently you became a Stay, so now you do!

A big thank you to the "WHAT'S UP KAYY-SQUAD!" group chat too - you've been there for me all the time, and have put up with my long and random rants and complaints about stuff.

I should thank Innersloth too, for creating Among Us; without them, I wouldn't have had the idea to write the story.

And thank you to Stray Kids, of course, as I wouldn't have been able to write the story without their characters.

Every time I have sat down to write, I have had a playlist going in the background, whether that's my "I'm A Five-Star Michelin" one, or one of my "Base" ones. I want to thank all of the musical artists featured on them, including NCT, Stray Kids, SuperM, ATEEZ, EXO, T1419, TXT, ITZY and Cameron Philip to name a few. They have helped me keep going and not get too distracted by my surroundings whilst writing.

But there's someone else I have to thank - all of you, my readers! Thank you so much for taking interest in my story, and choosing to read it. I am eternally grateful and appreciate each and every one of you.

Astronaut | A Stray Kids Among Us AU

Start date: 26th January 2021

End date: 2nd June 2021

Status: complete

© speaku, 2021

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