𝙓𝙄𝙄𝙄 - 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝

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277 A.C.
King's Landing

Viserys was now one years of age.  It had been exactly a year since the Tourney of Lannisport and the anniversary of Rhaegar and Leia meeting.

So much had changed in the past few moons, let alone past year.  Since the Tourney at Lannisport, Leia and Rhaegar had married, but they were still yet to produce an heir.

It had been a while so it was no surprise that gossip had spread that the Princess was possibly barren — it was confirmed by Maester Pycelle she was not in fact barren.

Leia had been hesitant at first to see Maester Pycelle in a rather intimate examination. After much convincing, she agreed to see the Grand Maester, but not without making sure Rhaegar would be at her side.

The realm loved their new Princess and how she had changed their Crown Prince for the better. The realm also loved seeing the royal couple being practically inseparable, spending almost every hour together. It was a sight to sore eyes.

Apart from the lack of heir, Rhaegar's father had somehow gotten more sick. The man was borderline insane, scratch that — he was the definition of insanity.

Aerys, after the Defiance of Duskendale, had refused to leave the Red Keep. He had truly gone mad.

His madness knew no limits, and like many Targaryens before him, he demanded fire and blood. Aegon the Conqueror had dragons, whilst Aerys demanded the same effect, dragons were no more.

Make no mistake, Aerys is no Aegon I. He was neither great nor honourable. Aegon gave mercy to his enemies, when King Torrhen knelt, he let him live. Aerys saw traitors in every shadow and would refuse to do the same.

However, where Aegon had creatures that breathed fire, Aerys had wildfire. A sticky green substance that cannot be put out, and must not be subject to children, let alone a King's madness.

No matter the advice, the Mad King subsisted.

Due to the King's madness, and the rumours surrounding the Princess's inability to produce heirs — she was very much at the centre of his attention.

Leia was unaware of this when she had arrived in court that morning.  When court is in session, the royal family were to sit beside their King.

Leia arrived a little late to court because she had gotten lost in the gardens.  She had rolled her eyes internally and laughed at herself when she realised she was lost.  She had been in King's Landing for over a year, yet she still didn't know her way round.

Her being late wasn't uncommon and, more often that not, it would go unnoticed.  However, when she pushed open the doors, all eyes were on her.

The very affair made her knees go weak and she was uncomfortable.  Two guards were stood at the door and they led her to the centre of the throne room.

Leia was confused, for she would usually hide in the corners and sit down without a person noticing.  Yet today, she was being led to where she usually saw the smallfolk and little lords, who would plea their case.

Leia looked up from her feet.  She saw her husband looking at her worried, as well as Rhaella with a frown visible on her face.  Aerys sat in the throne, smug as ever.

"Princess Leia of House Velaryon, wife to Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen," she rolled her eyes inwardly, of course she would only be know for being a wife, "is guilty of treason."

Gasps were heard across the hall.  Leia was as shocked as the lords and ladies. "How do you plea?"

"I, Princess Leia of House Velaryon, plea not guilty.  If I may, how exactly have I committed treason?"

Aerys stood up from his throne. "You," he pointed his grimy finger at Leia, "you, are nothing more than a harlot.  You have been dishonest."

Ok, now she was really confused. "I have never been dishonest, nor will I ever.  Please do tell, what evidence do you have?" Gasps once more spread across the hall.  No one spoke to the King that way, not if they wanted to leave the throne room unburnt.

He shivered — but not of fear, but of anger. "Where is my heir?"

"Sat next to you, your Grace." She smirked.  It felt good to make the King look like a noddy.

The King looked as if he were about to explode.  It didn't help that Leia only challenged him with a smirk.  Fortunately, the Hand stood up.

"You say that you have not been dishonest, do you have any evidence to prove otherwise?" Tywin's voice boomed across the hall.

"The very idea of me being dishonest is based on my ability of lack thereof bearing children.  I can confirm that it is not true, Maester Pycelle told me." All eyes turned to the Grand Maester.  He shifted uncomfortably under the Mad King's stare.

"I- I- I can c-confirm that.. Princess Leia i-is not barren.  I-I examined her m-myself." He sat down.

Tywin seemed a little annoyed by the Maester's response. "As the case is based on fame and gossip of servants.. I, Lord Tywin of House Lannister, Hand of the King, announce that the Princess is innocent of all charges."

Aerys was not satisfied with the response. "No! No! No!" He shouted from the throne of swords. "I wanted to see her burn!"

He sounded like a young child. "Darling, she is innocent and your daughter." Rhaella attempted to soothe Aerys.  He simply shook off her attempts and stormed up to Leia.

Leia didn't want to appear weak so she stood her ground.  She realised this was a mistake when the King's pace did not cease or slow.  He charged at the Valyrian girl and backhanded her.

She flew to the floor from the sheer force.  Her hand flew to her lip and she hissed when she tasted a cool, metal taste in her mouth.  It was only when she looked up and met eyes with her love, did she remember he hadn't protested once.

His eyes widened at the blood and he stood up and marched over to his father.  He placed his hand on Aerys' shoulder. "Father, go and calm down.  She has suffered enough."

Aerys gave a final sneer at the girl on the floor and walked out of the room, Rhaella at his heels.

Rhaegar kneeled down next to his wife and placed a hand on her cheek.  He gasped silently when she slapped his hand away.

Leia didn't care who saw, to be honest most people had fled as soon as the King had walked out — not wanting to stay in the throne room a second longer.

She glared at him.  He tried again and when he received the same response, he sighed. "Do you know the definition of madness?" Rhaegar's eyes flickered up to her own, pained eyes. "It is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting a different response." She sneered at him.

"I'm not mad, I care about you.  Perhaps I am mad about you." Rhaegar said, all too sweetly.  She scoffed at him.

"You talk all the sweet words now, but where were they when I needed them? Where were they when I was getting interrogated in court?" She used her hands to hold herself up higher. "Where were they when I was being accused of being dishonest? Where were they, Rhaegar? Where were they?!"

"I don't know!" He shouted back at her.

"You have no right to raise your voice at me." She replied in a scarily cold tone, with no emotion.  She placed her finger under his chin and lifted it till his eyes met hers. "When I needed you the most.. you left me."

She stood up and walked out of the throne room.

700 and 800 reads ahh 🥳 and thank you to @juicyxcurry and @TheCelestialStar for voting, and @mrs_mikealson16 for their continued support and voting.

Soooo they got the first argument haha. The King's madness is worsening and there is built up tension of the lacking presence of an heir. Will their problem be resolved? Will someone apologise lol.

I know this chapter is a bit weird, but I needed to fill in a bit of a time gap lol.

I'm also sorry that this so long to release.  The updates will be a bit iffy for a while due to my GCSE exams ahah.

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