𝙑 - 𝙁𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩

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276 A.C.

The feast was filled with foods both Westerosi and foreign. Lemon cakes and fruit tarts from the Reach, and blood oranges and plums from the Free Cities across the Narrow Sea.

Though, none of it meant nothing to Rhaegar. He had spent most of the feast greeting Lords and they brought their daughters along in an attempt to gain the Prince's attention.

Rhaegar knew he would have no say in his betrothal, and his father had already made it clear that he would not allow a bride without the classic Valyrian features. And so far, none had fitted the criteria set.

"Your Grace, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Rhaegar looked up to meet the purple eyes of a Lord. "This is my daughter, Leia." He turned to look at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back in waves, with only two simple braids keeping her hair out of her face. Striking violet eyes that were closer to a shade of pink rather than purple. Small, yet full, pink lips. Her lashes were long, and her cheekbones looked as if the gods themselves carved it.

He didn't realise when he was staring when she cocked her head in amusement and raised her eyebrow.

"I- er- um-" He pushed back his chair and took her hand and kissed it. "You look ravishing, Lady Leia."

"As do you Prince Rhaegar."

Her father left to go talk to his father, no doubt to discuss a possible betrothal.

He turned back to the Lady to admire her. She was wearing a pure white dress with only detailing at the hems of teal and silver.  To match with it, it was paired with a necklace with a blue pendant and only a small pair of earrings.

"Do you stare at all the ladies?" She asked laughing, pulling him abruptly from his thoughts.

"I- uh no." Turning bright red from sheer embarrassment.  Being caught staring twice would be seen as not very regal.

"Do you always get this flustered as well? You like a blood orange.  Here, come, join me outside."

"Is this some sort of ploy to get me away from the other ladies." He smirked, attempting to garner some of his lost confidence.

"Suit yourself, I'll be out on the balcony." And with that she walked off.

Once outside, she took a moment to appreciate her surroundings.  Driftmark, was a very fertile land, but still a small island.  So she had quickly lost interest in exploring when she had seen everything.

She sensed a figure beside her.  She didn't have to look to know who it was.

"I would like to formally apologise for my forwardness inside the hall."

"There's no need to apologise." She gave a small smile to him.  "Here, how about we start again? Hello, I am Lady Leia of House Velaryon."

"Why hello there-" She snorted. "Why- what's wrong now?"

"Why hello there." She imitated in a funny voice.  His face looked a bit annoyed and she couldn't help but laugh more. "You know what, I'm sorry, carry on."

He huffed. "I am Prince Rhaegar, of House Targaryen."

"Well Prince Rhaegar, would you like to accompany me on a leisurely stroll in the-"

"Leia!" My father shouted from the archway. "The King wants to see you." She tensed up.  It was no secret of King Aerys' madness.

"Coming father!" She shouted back. "I apologise but I must see to my father.  I enjoyed getting to know you, your Grace." Leia started to walk off.

"Wait." She turned around. "Call me Rhaegar."

She smiled. "Then I must insist on you calling me Leia."

"This is my daughter, Leia." Lucerys introduced her.

"She looks much like your late wife.  What was her name again? Lyrie? Tyria?"

"Lyria, your Grace."

"Ah, Lyria of course.  She was very pretty.  It's a shame she passed so young.  But all is well, we appear to have a much prettier version of her in front of us right now." The King said smirking at the girl.  She felt uncomfortable, like her skin was crawling with bugs.  He was staring at her too intensely, and had no shame in hiding it.

"Thank you, your Grace."

He laughed. "There's no need to thank me girl, I'm simply pointing out the truth.  Your husband will be a very lucky man." This conversation was too uncomfortable and disgusting. "However, that is not why I summoned you.  You have met my heir, correct?"

She cringed slightly.  Heir? This man did not even see Rhaegar as his son, simply an object. "Yes your Grace."

"Well, your father and I have come to an agreement.  Rhaegar is of age to marry, and so are you.  Therefore, at the end of the tourney, you shall return to Kings Landing with us, and will spend a year at court, when you shall marry Rhaegar and provide him with heirs."

She froze.  She had only just met the man.  Now she was to marry him? Leave everything behind for him? She looked to her father, pleading him to let her come with him.  She knew she wouldn't survive in court.  But he couldn't meet her eyes.  The Master of Ships was too ashamed that he had sold off his only daughter like a broodmare.

"What is the matter, my Lady?" Myra, her closest friend and handmaiden, asked her, whilst undoing her braids.

"What do you know of the Prince?"

Myra gazed out into thin air. "He is oh so handsome.  And he is loved by the small folk for his kindness.  However, it is known that he heavily burdened by the incident at Summerhall, where he was born.  Hence the melancholia."

Leia looked no where, unfocused. "Do you think he would make a good husband? Do you think I could grow to love him?"

"Why?" Myra suddenly realised and turned Leia around. "Are you marrying the Silver Prince?" Leia nodded, and she squealed. "My Lady, you are so lucky.  The day that you marry, shall be the day that all other maids weep."

Leia gave her a pointed look, and Myra cleared her throat. "To answer your questions, I think he will make a good husband from what I've heard.  As for love, I think you can.  He's not a cruel man, and I think that you will love him one day."

Leia let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding in. "That's good.  Myra, you're dismissed for the rest of the night."

Myra nodded and left the Lady in her chambers.

Leia did not want to dwell on her betrothal for long, for she knew there was nothing to stop it.  It wasn't as if she wasn't attracted to Rhaegar, but it felt unnatural to be in a forced marriage.  Almost a contract or an agreement of some sort, not the union of a man and woman.

She decided that tomorrow, during the tourney she would avoid the Targaryens to the best of her ability, and get to know the other houses.  The noble Starks, the honourable Arryns, the proud Lannisters, the accepting Martells and the caring Tyrells.

Finally the chapters are getting longer and I hope you enjoyed it.

Ok, three things. One, tomorrow they will be attending the tourney and there might be some drama haha.

Two, I'm thinking of changing up the points of views to show certain characters feelings more, I'm not sure, let me know.

And three, I feel like all of you guys are like scared of commenting haha, it's fun reading comments and whilst you're at it, I wouldn't mind a vote lol. Love you all :)

𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘, ❲𝐫.𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧❳Where stories live. Discover now