𝙓𝙓𝙄𝙑 - 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚

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281 A.C.
King's Landing

"Rhaegar! Have you finally decided to grace us with your presence?" Aerys was sat on the throne with Rhaella and Viserys at his side.  The court, also, was full.

"I am glad to be home, Father." Aerys clambered off of the throne of swords, ignoring his flesh being left behind.  He walked over to Rhaegar, tutting.

"Leave with the false pleasantries for the petty lords." He kissed his rotting teeth. "How is the wife? Still beautiful I see.  Oh, how much I've missed you." He reached out to stroke her cheek, but Leia veered out of the way of his fingernails.  Aerys grabbed Leia's face and she let out a yelp.

Leia looked round to see her father seething. Rhaegar turned to help his wife, but his father shook his head. "Lyria." Leia's blood froze and she looked at Rhaegar, to see only anger. "Why do you defy me?" Leia swallowed deeply. "Answer me." He whispered into her ear.

When she didn't reply, he pushed her into Rhaegar.  Aerys laughed when he saw Leia stumble into Rhaegar's armoured chest.

Lucerys stood from his seat and walked over to Tywin. The Lannister nodded and Leia's father returned to his seat.

"Your Grace, there is more pertinent matters to attend to. Please, resume your rightful place on the throne." The King, visibly changed by his Hand's words, sauntered over to the Iron Throne.

"You are dismissed. Leave."

Rhaegar stroked hairs out of his wife's face as she looked up at him. Leia looked lost and hurt. He took Leia's hand softly in his own, and advanced through the doors, to their chambers.

When they opened the door, Leia saw a familiar face in their solar. "Ashara!" She said happily. Leia ran over and hugged Ashara tightly.

"C-an't.. bre-athe." Leia immediately retreated but slapped Ashara on the arm, when she saw it was just her jesting.

"Why are you back so soon?" Leia asked worriedly.

"Oh I just missed the smell of night soil." Leia gave her a pointed look. "We got annoy—"

"You. You did." A deep voice behind said.

Leia spun round and saw, "Arthur!" She ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"See Rhaegar, that's how people greet their friends." Leia laughed as she pulled away from the embrace.

"No, that's what other people do.  We're different.  It makes us unique." Rhaegar said with a shrug.

Ashara clapped her hands together. "ANYWAYS," they all jumped in shock and Ashara rolled her eyes, but continued, "I got annoyed, because the reason we came back to Starfall was for mother, and father was more concerned with teaching our older brother" Rhaegar and Leia looked down.

"Oh don't give us those looks.  Mother is in a better place now." Arthur said.

"Away from those fools." Ashara muttered under her breath and Arthur gave her a look, which made her go quiet.

"What happened?"

"Like I said before, father was more worried about raising the next Lord of Starfall, than his wife's funeral! I mean, he barely paid any attention to Allyria!"

"Who?" Rhaegar asked Leia, whispering so that she could only hear.  She gave him a glare and he just looked at her with the same confusion.

"Their newborn sister!" Leia hissed at him.  He mouthed 'oh' and looked back at Ashara.

Leia rolled around in the bed.  She couldn't sleep at all.  For some reason unexplained.

𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘, ❲𝐫.𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧❳Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum