chapter 12: kiss and makeup

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Almost 2 weeks go by and Jeff hasn't been to school. He hasn't even left his house. One rainy day, Angela knocks on the door and Jeff opens it.

Angela: Where have you been?

Jeff: I've been....around

Angela: bullcrap, you've been here this whole time haven't you?

Jeff: and so what if i am, it don't matter to you anyway

Angela: Jeff it does matter, you just need to tell me

Jeff: it's not gonna change anything between us though

Angela: what are you talking about?

Jeff: nevermind, you wouldn't care anyway

Angela: Jeff, is it about that guy who died? It wasn't your fault, you're a hero. I mean, if it wasn't for you taking him away from the gas tanks, part of this town would be destroyed. Don't blame yourself, be glad you saved lives

Jeff: Angela it's not because of that

Angela: then just tell me what it's about

Jeff: i just...i just can't ok

Angela : Jeff...please

Jeff: no

Angela:...fine, sorry for wasting both our times

Angela walks away and Jeff closes the door. Jeff starts telling himself how stupid he is for not just telling angela about his feelings for her. He decided that whenever he goes back to school, he will avoid her at all costs. It's February and word on the street a virus is spreading around the world, but it doesn't stop Jeff from avoiding Angela. Then, one of the worst days known to single guys comes around once every year: Valentine's day. Jeff looks at people getting and giving Valentine's, he gets pretty depressed, and tries to distance himself from people. Max Randal and Murray go up to him to try and cheer him up.

Jeff: face it guys, there's no hope for me, I'm just a hopeless romantic

Max: now don't say that man, there's still hope for you yet

Randal: where's Anthony?

Murray: he went to hang out with his girlfriend, he wanted to be here but he's held up anyway

Jeff: Even Anthony has a girlfriend...

Max: Jeff relax

Jeff: no i can't relax, i can't tell how i feel towards Angela, i can't get a girlfriend because i don't want no one else, and i let someone die because of me, and I'm just a sorry excuse for a person..

Max: dude calm down, you are not a bad person

Murray: and in a way you're a hero for stopping that jack guy

Randal: and you can tell her how you feel because she feels the same way

Jeff: How do you know?

Randal: you know how we went to dinner at her place, well after you 2 complemented each other she wouldn't stop looking at you, so I'm pretty sure she liked you

Jeff: then what about the time at the gas station

Murray: well...that was our fault, randal told us the same thing and we decided to try to get you 2 alone and maybe patch things up and you wouldn't be sad

Max: and we told him to tell angela where you were and i guess that's when the trouble started

Randal: so we're sorry we ruined it for you and Angela and then having her almost die

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