chapter 9: dinner time

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Jeff is sitting in his room and then he gets a text from angela. The message says: hey, do you wanna come have dinner at my place? Jeff texts asking why, and she explains that she told her dad about him, and he decided that Jeff should come to dinner sometime. Jeff doesn't know about that, what if her father has the wrong idea or what if he'll hate him. Angela assures him that everything will be fine, but on one condition: he has to have a representative from his actual family. Jeff starts to panic, none of his relatives are around except for Mya. Jeff asks if Mya counts. Angela tells him that it has to be someone older because her dad won't trust him and he won't be able to see her again. Jeff tries to think of a solution and then he does. The next evening, Jeff and Randal are outside of Angela's house.

Randal: so, why am I here again?

Jeff: because, i need someone to represent my family because Angela's dad doesn't trust boys who are friends with Angela apparently, and considering i have no older relatives and no parents, i figured you to be my best option

Randal: but we're not related

Jeff: we sound related, hopefully her dad won't be able to realize it

Randal: oh so it's about stereotypes eh?

Jeff: yeah?

Randal: ok well I'm going home

Randal walks away and Jeff goes after him and makes him walk back to the door.

Jeff: yes i know it seems very messed up but you owe me after almost getting us kicked out of braum's for trying to hit an employee with your milkshake

Randal: hey that person screwed it up and they know it, besides you would've done the same

Jeff: no i would've demanded my money back or get them to make me another one for free, but that's besides the point, the point is I need you for this and afterwards I'll never ask you again

Randal:...just this once?

Jeff: yes man

Randal ponders for a moment and decides to do it. Jeff rings the doorbell and Angela opens it. She's wearing a spring-esque dress with some flowers on it and is wearing the necklace Jeff got her. Jeff is wearing the shades Angela got him, a plain black hoodie, a white button up shirt, dress pants, black shoes, and a clip on tie. While Randal has an actual suit on. Jeff complements Angela's outfit and she does the same to Jeff. They walk in and wait at the table. Jeff looks at Angela and Angela looks at him. Randal clearly can tell that something is going on between them but blows it off for now. Janine walks in with Sara and they sit down as well. Sara gets back up and brings some plates and some of dinner. Angela goes back and brings the rest to the table. After a bit of waiting, Angela's father walks in from the basement.

Dr. Lane: oh sorry everybody, i had some stuff to look at down in my office, now shall we dig in?

Everybody grabs some food and starts eating. Angela's dad is named Jonathan Lane and he's pretty scrawny and seems to be in his late 30's. The reason he's a doctor is because he's a therapist, but in his spare time he's an actual doctor treating patients whenever he can.

Jeff: so, angela tells me you're a therapist

Dr. Lane: yes, well I'm not just any kind of therapist, I'm a ghost therapist. You see, i talk to ghosts

Randal: oh so like ghostbusters

Dr. Lane: well no not exactly, i don't bust them, i help them pass on

Randal: pass on?

Angela: he means that he helps them make it to heaven or hell

Jeff: just think of it like the casper movie except without casper and his uncles but with actual ghosts

Randal: oh, that makes more sense

They continue eating

Jeff: you know, you remind me of this mentor i had back when i was living in California for a bit

Dr. Lane: really?

Jeff: yeah, my grandpa suggested him to me and i stopped by his place everyday until the end of my 8th grade year

Dr. Lane: weird...i had an apprentice who did stop by everyday until he moved.. But it was a pretty while ago and I guess I forgot all about him. What did you say your name was?

Jeff: Jeff McCartney

Dr. Lane: you have a grandfather named Liam?

Jeff: yeah?

It didn't take Dr. Lane long to put two and two together to realize that Jeff was his old apprentice and after only a few years they've reunited. They catch up talking about paranormal stuff, what they've been up to, and how life is for both of them recently. Jeff even decided to come clean that Randal isn't related to him, and that he's there as a substitute. Dr. Lane assures Jeff it's ok and Jeff explains about his whole no parents situation and Dr. Lane gets concerned, he tells Jeff that next time if he comes to dinner, he won't need someone to be there, and when Randal heard that he was glad. After dinner, Randal went home while Jeff and Dr. Lane kept catching up and then they decided to go downstairs so Jonathan could show Jeff his research. Angela thought " so Jeff lived in California for a bit? How come I don't remember seeing him around then? At least him and dad are still getting along, maybe he won't be upset if I do date him. Still though, I can't be too sure". Angela grabs some of the plates and puts them in the sink. She then goes up to her room to go to sleep.

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