chapter 1: newbies meets the elders

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It is another day in good ol sweetwater,jeff and the boys are up to their old antics. They start to rock out while Kumi and mya watch. They finish playing and put up for the day

Jeff: i can't believe we're more popular than we were before 

Anthony: what we need to do is make an album

Todd: all the album will be is a compilation of randomness, how is it gonna sound well

Max: it all will depend on how we organize it

John : there's just a problem about this

Anthony : school?

John: yep

Kumi: well you might as well wait to organize it while some of us gotta go to school

John: except me and todd

Everybody looks at John and asks what he's talking about. John explains that him and todd recently got inquired about getting a deal with Todd's dad to go up to lubbock and work at a restaurant there and then they get to play music there as well 

Anthony: So your dad decided to move to Lubbock todd?

Todd: yeah, he wants to open the restaurant there and he asked jeff and john if they wanted to go but jeff said no and john said yes so we're gonna load up in my car and go there 

Max: When are you guys leaving ? 

John: when spring break ends

Anthony : in case we find replacements can you guys leave your instruments

John: sure

Jeff: well, i wish you guys the best of luck

Jeff walks out of the room and Kumi follows him. Jeff is sitting outside and kumi sits right next to him 

Kumi: everything's gonna be alright jeff

Jeff: yeah i know, it's just that..i miss the other me 

Kumi: yeah, he was pretty wild

Jeff: I'd like to put it as cartoony, he had a lot more optimism than i do and i wish i had some advice from him right now..despite it not making sense half the time

Kumi: well..i might not be him but i do know that you'll still be successful either way, and who knows, maybe you'll find replacements

Jeff: heh, if I'm lucky,c'mon,let's go back inside

They walk back inside and hang out with the others for a bit. Spring break ends and John and Todd are already in Lubbock, leaving Jeff with Mya, the house, the truck, and his friends. Jeff goes to school and while there he gets a note from the principal to show up in his office immediately. Jeff wonders why and goes to the office. He's about to enter until he overhears 3 people talking in the office already. The attendance lady says he can enter and when he does, he sees principal smith and 2 other students in chairs sitting at the table. One of them has 2 teeth sticking out like fangs and he has long hair and is skinny and tall, his name is Randal. The other one looks like Ace Frehley but younger, his name is murray. 

Principal smith: Jeff, I'd like you to meet these 2 boys here, this is Randal Cracker 

Randal: ello there

Jeff: are you from england?

Randal: london, what about you?

Jeff: liverpool, welcome to the other side 

Randal: thanks, glad to know I'm not the only man of "quality" 

They shake hands

Principal smith: and this is Murray Young

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