chapter 3: the way they was

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A long time ago in sweetwater. Jeff was getting ready for his first day of kindergarten. He brushed his hair despite some of it covering his eyes, he brushed his teeth, got dressed and his parents packed his backpack for him and he was ready. After having some breakfast, his mother takes him and John to school and they make it to the school. John gets out and mingles with friends while little Jeffrey is scared.

Lisa: What's wrong son?

Jeff: i don't wanna go there mommy, I'm scared...

Lisa: There's nothing to be afraid of honey, all you gotta do is get your education and maybe you'll make some friends.

Jeff: What are friends mommy?

Lisa: friends are people who like each other and have the same common interests

Jeff: oh, i don't think I'll make friends...

Lisa: don't worry, you will I'm sure of it

Little Jeffrey was discouraged. He knew if he didn't make no friends, he would be lonely

Lisa: Want me to carry you in?

Jeff nods at his mom and she picks him up and carries him to the door. They say their goodbyes and Jeff finds the classroom he was assigned to. He walks in and puts his stuff away and finds an empty table to sit at. Meanwhile, a young Kumi is sitting at a table with her friends and looks over at Jeff sitting by himself. Kumi asks who that person is, her friends didn't know, but she would soon get her answer. The teacher tells the class to say their names. Jeff says his name and Kumi is surprised at how short he is. Kumi stared at Jeff the whole day, she was debating on whether she should speak to him or not. It all ended however when she was rudely interrupted by some bullies. Jeff sees it and goes and fights the bullies with tactics his dad taught him. He swifts around, hits every single kid, and they all just run off. Kumi is just surprised and walks off. A little bit later in class, Jeff is at his table just drawing stick figures and scribbling stuff in. Kumi had enough, she gets up and goes to Jeff.

Kumi: you

Jeff: who?

Kumi: yes you

Jeff: not me you

Kumi I'm talking to you

Jeff : i know

Kumi: why did you save me?

Jeff: well, they were being big meanies messing with you for no reason, and i thought i should help

Kumi: thank you, may I sit with you?

Jeff was surprised, this person he just met wants to sit with him for no reason. Perhaps she'll become his friend. Jeff says yes to Kumi and she sits down and looks at Jeff drawing.

Kumi: what's your name?

Jeff: my name is Jeff, what's yours

Kumi: I am kumi

Jeff: hi Kimi

Kumi: no , kumi

Jeff: Kimi

Kumi: it's not Kimi, it's Kumi

Jeff: but..

Kumi: say coo

Jeff: coo

Kumi: now say me

Jeff: me

Kumi: now say coo-me

Jeff: coo-me

Kumi: that's right

Jeff : kumi

Kumi: yes?

Jeff: hi

Kumi: hi

Jeff continues drawing and he catches a glimpse of kumi's shirt

Jeff: What's that on your shirt?

Kumi: a ninja turtle

Jeff: a what ?

Kumi: a ninja turtle,there are 4 of them and they're ninjas who stops bad guys with weapons , and when they're victorious , they go home and celebrate with a slice of pizza

Jeff: sounds amazing

Kumi: have you never watched them?

Jeff: no

Kumi: what about spongebob?

Jeff: my parents say that's bad for me

Kumi: then what can you watch?

Jeff: i think it's called beaver and bumhead

Kumi: gasp* that's a bad cartoon

Jeff: my parents let me watch it all the time

Kumi: lucky ducky

Jeff: no I'm jeff

So for the rest of the day they talked and talked until it was time to go. It wasn't long until the parents met and they decided to set up playdates for Jeff and kumi. The first playdate went like this: when Jeff's parents left, Kumi immediately turned the TV on to watch Spongebob so Jeff could watch it. Only thing was, Jeff couldn't see with his hair in the way so Kumi brushes Jeff's front hair back and gets him a hat. Jeff was amazed, he had never seen a kitchen sponge interact with a starfish before,everytime spongebob speaked, jeff would start laughing. She then turns on Star Trek and Jeff is mesmerized, seeing a captain leading a crew full of misfits into the unknown depths of space, battling aliens and helping others. The first time Spock appears on screen, Jeff felt connected with him. Finally, Kumi grabs DVDs of the ninja turtles and puts one in the DVD player. Jeff is amazed at the moves the turtles do, taking the advice splinter says and feels connected to donatello. After they watch a bit, Kumi goes to her room and comes back with ninja turtles figures galore.

Kumi: these used to have been my uncle's, after he saw me with a ninja turtle shirt on, he gave me these

Jeff picks one up and it's 1988 donatello in all his glory. They start playing ninja turtles and re-enact some of the episodes, and they defeat shredder once and for all. The play date is over and Jeff goes home. After a while Jeff and Kumi started hanging out more often, and they became the best of friends. Sure kids made fun of them and said they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but it didn't bother them. Then, Jeff's birthday came around and Kumi showed up with 2 gifts. Jeff opens all of his gifts and saves kumi's for last. He opened them and he was thrilled. One of the gifts was a DVD of the 2007 TMNT movie, and the other thing was a new 2007 donatello figure that comes with a motorcycle. After the party, Jeff and Kumi watch the movie and have a great time.

Kumi: jeff

Jeff: hm?

Kumi: happy birthday

Jeff: thank you kumi

Kumi: you think we'll be best friends forever?

Jeff: umm yes

Kumi smiles then Jeff smiles and they watch the movie. Time goes by, and a few months later, Jeff is moving and Kumi comes to say goodbye.

Kumi: Will you ever come back?

Jeff: I don't know..

Kumi: I hope you do...

Jeff: me too..

Kumi hugs Jeff and Jeff hugs her back.

Jeff: Will we still be best friend's ?

Kumi: forever

Jeff gets in the car and they leave. Kumi starts crying and gets in her car with her mom and they go home. Jeff looks out the window and thinks about Kumi the whole trip. While he's doing that, the donatello he got for his birthday is in his hand and he still owns it to this day, along with other ninja turtles on the shelf of turtles. Soon Jeff and Kumi will forget about each other, but don't worry, they'll meet again, and we all know how that ends.

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