chapter 5 : from amps to disc

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While Jeff is fast asleep, the others get an unexpected knock at the door. Anthony goes to answer it, and the band's manager Vinnie Dwight tells him that the opportunity at a nebula 454 album has come true. Anthony is excited, but explains to vinnie how it's a bad idea and that getting rights to the songs will be hard. Vinnie assures him that they do have the permission as long as they put on the cover that it's a tribute album and stuff. Anthony starts to be skeptical, and then vinnie says that he already got the equipment, and that they should get to recording right away. Vinnie leaves and Anthony tells the others.

Randal: that seems like a good idea, but we would get a lot of backlash for it

Murray: but the manager did say we got the permission

Anthony: only thing is, Jeff has to approve of it,  you 2 aren't under contract so that means John, Todd , me and max have to approve too

Murray: will they be up for it? 

Anthony: todd won't, he didn't feel the need of us having one

Randal: well let's ask Jeff and see what he says

They go into Jeff's room and he's asleep. 

Anthony: hmmm, it's rare to see him in deep sleep at this time of day...ok i have an idea, when i count 3 we'll all say wake up Jeff

Randal: will that even work?

Anthony: I hope so, i got the idea from a show i watched when i was little. There was this jeff who played keyboards and he had a purple shirt and he sometimes fell asleep during some songs so the other guys on stage tried to wake him up with that call, and he woke up. He's the whole reason i play the keyboards

Murray: oh i know what you're talking about mate, i used to watch that show when i was little too

They decide to try this trick. They sneak into Jeff's room and do it. They do it once and it doesn't work because they didn't do it all together.

Anthony: ok one more time, when i count 3, we'll all say wake up Jeff, ready?

Randal and murray say yes

Anthony: 1,2,3 

Randal, Murray, Anthony: WAKE UP JEFF!!!

Jeff jumps out of bed.

Randal: Jeff, are you awake now?

Jeff: just let my heart stop beating fast and i will be

After that, the guys explain to Jeff the predicament. Jeff thinks and says that unless there's proof that they have approval to do those songs for the album, then there will be a nebula 454 album, but for now there will be nothing. Anthony explains to Jeff that they got to have approval from John, Todd, and Max as well, and that Randal and Murray aren't under contract. Jeff tells Anthony that they don't need to be under contract yet and that they'll have to call the others for approval. And so, Jeff and Anthony call the others and they all agree except for Todd. Jeff manages to persuade him,but on one condition: someone becomes the hockey player. Jeff accepts and they all start making calls seeing if it's true. They find out that it is true and then they set to work. Jeff suggests making an album cover,but it turns out one has already been made and the title was made too. The album was called "rockin all over " and it only had the original lineup minus the hockey dude which always ticked max and todd off. Anyway, they set to work on making the album. They plug amps in, the microphones and excess equipment. Poor Jeff, halfway through setting up, he gets electrocuted and loses consciousness for a bit, but he gets back up and they finish setting up. They sit down and debate on what songs should be on the album.

Anthony: we definitely gotta have kiss songs on there

Murray: how about some ACDC 

Jeff: maybe 1 song, and possibly another from metallica and the aquabats 

Randal: how about an ozzy osbourne song

Jeff: definitely 

They write down what song goes where. Randal was kind of nervous to sing, but Jeff kept encouraging him to where he wouldn't feel really nervous. After awhile, they prepare to play until little mya comes in and gives Randal something. A finger trap. Randal couldn't get his fingers out of there so Jeff cut the trap and Randal had to play most of the songs with them on. After 3 songs, Murray went and got some lotion to help get the snipped trap off randal's fingers.

Randal: Jeff, you gotta control your sister

Jeff: what? She's just having fun 

Anthony: yeah but soon the fun she's having will become trouble for us 

Jeff: but she's just a kid

Murray: kids are an even bigger handful than teenagers

 Jeff sits and thinks, he decides to listen to his friends and takes Mya into his room

Jeff: is there a reason you did that to Randal?

Mya: i thought it would be funny

Jeff: heh yeah it was, but we were about to record our album

Mya: I'm sorry big brother, I'm just really bored, i miss Kumi

Jeff: I know sis...but she's gone and there's nothing we can do about it

Mya starts to get sad

Jeff: tell you what, when we finish recording the album, we'll have loads of free time, so when that happens, how about me and you hang out and do some stuff

Mya: yes

Jeff: ok then, now be good and stay in my room until we're done

Mya : can i play with your toys

Jeff: which ones

Mya : any of them

Jeff: you wanna play with my ninja turtles don't you?

Mya: ye 

Jeff goes to the shelf and takes some down for her

Jeff: now be careful with them

Mya : i will 

Mya starts playing with the toys and Jeff leaves the room. After all that, they finish recording the album. Max gathers all the good takes, edits them , and let's the guys listen to it.

Jeff: well that sounds good 

Max: I'm just glad they didn't make the originals do it 

Jeff: we'll put you John and todd on there as like consultants, and you as the producer 

Max: I'm cool with it man, anyway, let's get this baby sent to vinnie and we'll see where it goes from there

They put the thing together, pack everything up, and vinnie comes and takes the stuff. After all that, copies of the CD are made, and shipped across Texas, found in supermarkets, dollar stores, convenience stores, music shops, and wherever they decide to sell it. After a few days, there was a ton of CDs sold, and this marks the beginning of nebula 454's rise to fame.

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