Tunnels & Saving Lydia

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"I-I'm sorry Zara." Corey manages to force out through whimpers

"It's okay, Corey. You'll be okay, I promise."

He nods, "You should go, before the orderlies find you both." Josh nods and then he's off down the hallway with Corey groaning in his arms.

Zara then runs towards the door that Stiles and Theo went through and she finds them running into what looks like a shower room full of patients who are cowering from them but it seems that they were already trying to hide before they came in, and then Theo saw a vent underneath one of the guys, he easily pushed him out of the way and the three of them kneeled down.

"It leads to the tunnels doesn't it?" Theo asked

"There's miles of them." Stiles sighs "They could be anywhere now."

"Guess the only way in down then, huh?" Zara says before ripping the venting off and hopping down to the ground couching with her hand placed on the ground between her legs before standing up, she noticed Stiles and Theo wasted no time and jumped down as well.

"You got her scent, Stiles?"

"It's going in and out." He says in frustration as they made their way through the tunnels.

"I've still got it." Theo replies walking ahead of them.

A few minutes later, "And now it's gone." He says putting his ear on one of the pipes. "What do you guys smell down here?"


"Fecal matter, even though I'm pretty sure that's just you." Stiles says boldly, Zara snorts, and Theo just rolls his eyes.

"I smell it too, it's all that I can smell so I'm trying something different." He says with his ear on the pipe. "So can you please shut up and let me concentrate?" He snaps

"I think we can find her without you." Stiles says walking ahead with Zara following right after him having no interest in Theo being here anyway.

"You know you wont, you guys need to trust me." Theo says chasing after them.

"How did that go last time? Oh yeah, I got a stake to the chest." Zara spits turning around and shoving him hard. Theo's jaw clenches as he stumbles back, she just rolls her eyes turning to follow Stiles.

"You want me to trust you? The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?" Stiles scoffs

"Yeah I was nine years old, I also believed a guy in a red suit to deliver presents so when the Dread Doctors told me my sister wanted me to have her heart I fucking believed them too." He retorts angrily

"So then together you gutted and killed her, that's a beautiful story." Stiles replies flatly with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I watched her fall in the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what the fuck was going on?" He yells angrily

"I think you pushed her, and I think you liked it." Stiles says with an edge to his voice like he knows this is getting under Theo's skin and he's enjoying every second of it.

Malevolent ☞︎ Teen Wolf [5]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz