Departing Paradise

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John Marston was officially pronounced dead. It tore the woman apart, she was filled with hatred and wanted revenge. She could not return to their home or she would get shot on sight.
After long months of searching for clues, interrogating people all over the five states, killing for every piece of information she could get, she finally found somebody who could lead her to Black Belle. A young, dark-skinned woman named Yoselin accidentally entrusted Y/N with crucial information regarding the whereabouts of Black Belle, not knowing the two were related.

You'd think Y/N should've been tracking down Edgar Ross who stripped her from her wonderful life, but that was a suicide mission. Edgar Ross and every bureau connected to the law was on a manhunt, every outlaw across the five states was a target. Once again, she could not do anything.

"Untie me, you don't know what you're getting into, woman! You don't know these people and what they're capable of!" Yoselin yelled at Y/N as she shook at the back of Y/N's horse.

"Look at you!" Y/N taunted as she looked back at the other woman, "Damn parasite."

After riding all through Grizzlies West, Y/N saw a couple of old, rundown buildings in the distance.

"You got your last chance to turn around," Yoselin warned but Y/N simply ignored her. The woman looked up and saw smoke coming from some buildings.

"Mommy's home?" Y/N asked as she turned to Yoselin. Yoselin was a reasonably young, petite woman, why on earth was she running with Black Belle? Why a gang, in general? When Y/N got closer, she saw two men walking out with guns pointed her way. The two men stood at the middle cabin, which was also the biggest one there. Y/N dismounted and grabbed Yoselin, she cut her legs and arms free but kept a revolver to her head, in case she decided to run.

"Don't shoot!" Yoselin cried out.

"Now...put your guns down, gentlemen!" Y/N called out to the guards.

"Who are you!? What business do you have here?" one of the men asked, aggressively.

"Look at you - acting all hard and tough as butter," Y/N taunted the man as she cocked the gun.

"Give her what she wants!" Yoselin yelled as she shed tears of panic.

"How about we shoot her instead?" the other guard finally spoke, cockily spreading his bravery. He clearly did not know who he was going up against.

Y/N smirked, "Am I supposed to be scared of you or somethin'? Alright, don't make this so troublesome. Where is she?"

"She?" the guard asked. "Are you a bounty hunter? We got no place for those."

Suddenly the door opened behind the guards and Black Belle took one step out, "Even worse. She's my daughter."

The two guards dropped their jaws in awe and looked back at the two women as if examining and comparing their facial features. Indeed, they were similar.

"What are you waiting for, kid? Come in," Black Belle invited as she walked back in, closing the door behind her so that the cold air didn't spread into the cabin. Y/N chuckled and released the young girl from her grip. Yoselin fell into the snow and the guards ran to her aid. Y/N slowly stepped toward the cabin and when she opened the door, she was greeted by a Mexican man holding a gun to her head. The irony.

"Now keep those hands where I can see them, la perra," the Mexican fellow ordered. Black Belle sighed and chuckled.

Y/N slowly turned to her mother, "You find this funny, ma?"

Black Belle nodded, "Daughter, meet Flaco. Flaco, meet my daughter."

Flaco laughed at Y/N and lowered his gun, "The grande fool can't take a joke, just like her mother. Quite a show you pulled, bonita."

"I'm sorry, I was badly raised," Y/N apologized as she looked at Black Belle once again.

"I'm sorry, I was badly raised," Y/N apologized as she looked at Black Belle once again

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"You weren't raised at all. Look at you now," Black Belle added. Elizabeth was referring to all the bad deeds her daughter had done, letting Y/N know that she was aware of her status in the country.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," Y/N responded and sat down across from her mother.

"What on earth are you doing here, kid?" Black Belle asked.

"I was looking for you. Now that I've found you-"

"Let me guess, angel. You want to stick by mommy's side?"

For a second, Y/N hesitated to speak and slowly nodded instead.

"Well..." Black Belle stood up and came closer to Y/N, "'re blood. And you've been awfully naughty all these years, so I have no choice but to keep an eye on you."

They both laughed at that statement and continued to chat for a long while.

After Y/N detailed everything that happened to her in the past 12 years, Black Belle was left amazed at how her daughter managed to pull all that. From killing Agent Milton to marrying an outlaw from the Van Der Linde gang.

It was no secret that Elizabeth Colter was not capable of raising a child, but she accepted her daughter as the woman that she became. Y/N had no one to depend on and after finding her mother, she also found some hope. Some peace of mind to mend her sorrow of being a widow. That said, she chose the life of crime.

"How old were you when you chose this life...?" John asked, hesitantly.

"John, you're funny to even think I'd choose this life by free will. I never chose this life, it chose me. My mother is a gunslinger, my father is a horse breeder. The only mistake I see here is that I chose to continue my life with my mother after my father went missing." - That's The Way It Is

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