Drying Bloodriver

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Making her way towards the Gunsmith store, Y/N couldn't help but notice all the lawmen gathered up. There were more of them than usual, which the woman found odd and suspicious. It was no mystery that The Golden Cobra was back in town. The thought of Valentine upgrading its security just for one outlaw seemed stupid, then again, the price on her head declared otherwise. Y/N hitched her stallion near the Gunsmith store and confidently walked in, nodding at the seller.

"How can I help you, Miss?" he questioned as he wiped the front desk with a towel. The atmosphere was definitely unusual, something was off for sure. She looked outside the window and saw multiple gunmen gathered up behind each corner. They clearly were up to something. The Golden Cobra flinched at the thought of all those armed men coming just for her blood.

Before she could answer the cashier, she heard a loud, demanding voice from just outside the street. It came from the direction of the saloon she had recently passed.

"Van Der Linde! Get out here! Get out here, now!"

Y/N moved closer to the door, peeking outside just enough to see what was the commotion all about. She grazed her revolver and watched the scene, carefully analyzing everything.

"Van Der Linde! You don't know me, but you keep robbing me! My name is Leviticus Cornwall, I am not a man to be messed with...by the likes of you! Get out here before I have these men killed!" a big man with obvious signs of greying in the hair, saddled up, demanded in a loud demeanor. Y/N viewed as two of his lackeys pulled an elderly man and John out in the open, knives to their throats.

"J-John?!" she whispered. Y/N looked outside for her horse and noticed the sniper rifle. A plan immediately popped up in her head.

"Get out here, you depraved piece of trash! Do you think I got where I am by letting scum like you rob from me, Van Der Linde?! You're done!"

Without hesitation, Y/N opened the door and sneaked towards her horse, eyeing her surroundings. She grabbed the sniper rifle and crept behind the shop. She successfully climbed the side of the building right to the top. Carefully placing herself in a comfortable and safe position, she looked into the scope just to see Cornwall and a few of his men leaving the area. The ones who held John and the other man stayed, keeping their stance. Y/N aimed at one of the lawmen. Suddenly, Arthur and Dutch walked out of the saloon, hands up in a beaten manner.

"This is a...terrible mistake!" Dutch stated, "This is a case of mistaken identity...what is worse th-"

Before Dutch could finish his sentence, Y/N took a shot at the man who held John, not missing by an inch, saving John in the process.

Perfect aim, perfect shot.

Before John could flee for cover, he quickly scanned the area and noticed Y/N on the rooftop with the rifle, giving him a thumbs up. He nodded and ran for cover.

A gunfight broke loose as soon as she fired that shot. Arthur, bound by a little shock, exclaimed, "What the Hell was that?"

"Y/N!" John yelled optimistically. Everyone around got the message that there was a sniper on the Van Der Linde gang's side.

Without hesitation, the young girl picked off the enemies one by one, granting an opening for the gang to escape.

"Move up!" somebody yelled. Y/N paid close attention to every corner, in hopes to protect her new friends. But on the other hand, she had no idea why she was doing this. Surely enough, they wouldn't risk their lives for her.

"Strauss is down!" John yelled, making Y/N direct her eyes to their side.

"Y/N, cover us while we push the wagon!" Dutch shouted, "Arthur, shoot someone!"

And so she did, she covered them as much as she could, as fast as she could reload her weapon while they pushed the wagon with the man in it. As soon as the gang was out of her reach, or scope, she quickly slid down the roof and jumped straight onto the saddle of her black stallion. Without wasting time, she galloped on her horse after the gang.

"That's The Golden Co-" Y/N knocked over a lawman mid-sentence and rushed right past him. She pulled out her revolvers and quickly shot at anyone she saw. The men quickly pushed the wagon further and loaded Mister Strauss onto a horse.

"Let's get out of here! Hurry up, Arthur, you make sure nobody's following us. We'll get back to camp, we're gonna gather the troops and get 'em to start packing up!" Dutch ordered as he climbed his horse.

"Sure, we can't stick around after this," Arthur sighed.

John, who was sharing Old Boy with an injured man, nodded at Y/N to follow them. Everyone except Arthur Morgan raced out of Valentine, followed by The Golden Cobra.

What a mess, it was clear to the public that The Golden Cobra teamed up with the notorious Van Der Linde gang.

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