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Sun glazed and Strawberry jams.

Waking up in the morning, Lisa was satisfied with the good night sleep that she didn't get in a while. It was around ten in the morning when she got out of bed to take a quick shower and change back to her previous clothes which she wore last night as she didn't have any spare ones.

Pulling her hair up in a messy bun, she got out of the room and locked it behind her. The hallways were deserted as she strolled through them before descending the flight of stairs- getting to the living room which was drowning in silence.

Knitting her eyebrows in confusion, "Jungkook?", she called out whilst making her way into the kitchen.

Nonetheless, she was welcomed into empty room yet again, but soon her ears perked up at the sound of their voices resonating from the backyard.

Wondering what they were upto, she pushed the frosted glass door open and stepped outside. There, Lisa came in sight with the seven men playing dodge the ball, under the morning sun wearing just tanks and few didn't bother to wear even that.

Eyes widened, the female was flustered whilst watching them flex their skills and muscles. It was when, her eyes zeroed on Jungkook's shirtless torso making her insides churn as she blushed a bright cherry red.

His skin slightly tanned and glazed with sweat it made him look twice better than he usually does. And not to say, the sleeve tattoo on his right arm which she saw for the first time left her mouth agape whilst taking in the designs inked on his skin.

Jungkook on the other hand, sensed her presence the moment she had come out, but still tried to pretend like he didn't know that she was there. His brothers did the same and tried to play along with the male, to let his ship sail a little longer.

The male felt her eyes on him and her raising heart beat which he entertained himself with, all along. Deciding to flaunt some of his skills to flatter the female, Jungkook started to play rash- which soon escalated into a heated game as his brothers took it as a challenge from the youngest to beat him.

A smug smirk plastered on their faces, the seven men might have took the game of dodge the ball a little too serious since they were literally leaping in the air and rolling on the ground with the ball to win the match like their life's were depended on it.

Noticing this Lisa was taken by surprise and she wasn't able to hold herself back from stopping them, "Is your rent on due or something?! Cause you guys are playing like it is!", she yelled directing their attention towards her.

At the said comment, the men broke down in fits of laughter as they paused their game mid way. Jungkook was way too embarrassed as he knew that he overdid the whole 'impressing her' part.

"I think we should stop here, someone's turning all red by getting burnt under the sun", Yoongi sassed, refering to his little brother who was flustered of embarassment.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 || LizKookWhere stories live. Discover now