Oh Bitter Symphony

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Oh Bitter Symphony — Stuart "2D" Pot/Reader
Triggers: Drug use, getting high, cussing, devils lettuce.

imagine where the reader suffers from tension headaches and they don't have any medicine to deal with them. 

You awaken on your bed, your head pounding relentlessly on the left side. Damn, another tension headache, when will they finally go away? You sigh, holding your head in your hands and groaning. The pain is horrible. Why won't it stop? Why do these headaches always happen the worst times?

Why, why, why, why, why?

The pain is unbearable at this point. It makes you want to rip your head off. An idea nags at you: just take one of Stuarts painkillers, it won't hurt you to just take one. You shake away the thought. No, that is his prescribed medication, specifically for only him, and plus, they're addictive.

You let out a scream like you've been murdered. You have no clue why you overreact to these headaches so much, but they've never hurt like this. You just want the pain to end. Isn't there anything in this goddamned house that gets rid of headaches?

A small knock disturbs you of your thoughts. You know that knock, the "shave and a haircut." You glance over to the door and reply weakly, "come in."

In walks 2D, a worried look on his face. He looks down at you and frowns, seeing the state you are in. He sits down beside you, pulling out his bottle of painkillers.

"Want one? Or maybe yew'll need tew..." he asks, taking his long slender fingers and grabbing two painkillers and handing them to you. "Hold ohn, lemme get 'ya some wateh," he rushes off to the kitchen and you smile. He's back in milliseconds with a full glass of water and a bag of your favourite chips. He sits back down and watched carefully as you down the two painkillers, gasping after drinking so much water.

"Thank you," you mumble. "The pain was just too much, I—I couldn't handle it, so I screamed. I've never had them this bad before, they've never hurt this much."

"Wawt causes 'em?"

"Too much stress. I get stressed really easily and they just appear the next day to make my life a living hell. I was never prescribed medicine, mainly because I never had the headaches checked out by a doctor. They usually happen very rarely," you begin to feel the painkillers kicking in, and the pain has mostly subsided. You however, are beginning to feel high as a kite.

"Wha— What did you put in those painkillersh," you slurred. Stuart smiled.

"It just mah regular dosage, love. Nutin' pu' in 'hem."

"Oh," you closed your eyes, enjoying the silence, the high finally taking you over and making you feel relaxed. "Is nice," you managed to reply. Stuart pulled you up slowly and pulled you to his room, sitting you on the bed and rummaging through his messy dressers. You tilted your head.

"What'cha lookingh for?" You giggled, grabbing his hands and dragging him towards you. "Come on Stu-Pot, relax a little."

"Weed," he answers late. "I'm lookin' fa weed."

"Ooooh are we going to smoke weed? That sounds amazing. I'm already on Cloud 9, Stu. Because of your dumb painkillers," you replied, the high beginning to wear off.

"Ge'in high from painkillers only las's a few minu'es, yew know. Ya onl'y took tew. Weed howeva? Ya can keep smokin' it, get high, and no' ge' addic'ed."

"Sounds fun," you say, your headache completely gone. "But I've never smoked weed before."

Stu gasped. "Yew've neva smoked weed? We gotsto change that, love. Bes' feeling you'll ever experience," he exclaims while rolling two fat blunts and grabbing a lighter. "And ya don' need painkillas to ease the pain."

He handed you a lit joint and you looked at it confusingly. Saying nothing, you put it to your lips and inhale. You began coughing your lungs out as Stuart laughed.

"Tha' was amazin', love. I's always a knee slap watching someone try weed for ta firs' 'ime. All ya' 'ave to so is," he paused to show you. "Inhale, than exhale an' blow da smoke ou'. Then yew let i' do i's magik."

"You make it sound easy," you reply, inhaling and then blowing the smoke into his face which he giggled. He grabbed your arm softly and looked into your eyes, smiling.

"I's not tha' hard, love. I's juss... differen' for firs' goers. See? You're already ge'in the hang of it! You'd be an awesome smoka," he jokes giving you finger guns. You laughed, falling onto the sheets of the bed and staring at the ceiling, sighing. Stuart leaped up beside you, pressing his arm against yours as he took another drag. He moved the hair from your face has he reached down and kissed you carefully, his eyes watching your face. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning into his touch. He used his fingernails to gently glide over your neck to give you goosebumps as he kissed your collarbone and sucked on it gracefully.

He really wishes he could leave a hickey, but that would be too informal, wouldn't it? He doesn't even know if you like that kinda stuff. He slid his hands up to your cheeks and cupped your face before kissing you again, this time with more force and love. You made a noise similar to a gasp and a groan as you raised your hands to his head to massage his scalp, then you both separated for air.

"That was amazing," you breathe. "Didn't know you were such a good kisser."

Stuart laughed as he pecked you on the lips once more. "I've practiced with many differen' ladies in the pas'. Nobody came even clos' to how yew kiss, love. No one has eva told meh tha' dhey love me befoa, no one but mah paren's."

"Well, I think there's someone else who loves you, Stu-Pot."


You busted out laughing before exclaiming, "it's me, Stu! I'd love you to the moon and back. Ever since you talked to me in that music store I never wanted to look back."

Stu looked like he was about to burst out into tears. His black eyes dripping with water from crying. "You really mean tha' luv," he asked, twiddling his hands. You nodded your head vigorously and smiled. "I mean every bit of it, Pot. You know it."

He leaped onto you and hugged you tightly, crying into your shoulder as he grabbed your hips and rubbed his finger in circles around the bone. He sniffed before meeting your eyes again, kissing your forehead and making a noise that sounds an awful lot like purring. He then situated his head in the crook of your neck, smiling, and began to sing.

"Caught in your eyes
Stacks of lights
Come streaming back
Make it for the best times
Growing pains, good times
Good times, good times
Good times, good times
Good times, good times

Take it in your heart now, lover
Take it in your heart, heart, heart, heart
Take it in your heart
Take it in your heart
Where it all goes down

Andromeda, Andromeda
Take it in your heart now, lover
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Take it in your heart
Take it in your heart
Where it all goes down."

When he rose to look at you, you had fallen asleep, a smile plastered on your face as you lean against his chest, your arms gripped tightly on his back. 'How cute,' he thought before tucking you into bed and laying with you, wrapping his long limbs around your body. With you, he feels safe.

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