Danielle's POV

"Are you ready" Stefania asked as we walked up the stairs to the clinic for our 12 weeks scan "Yeah are you" I asked "Mhm very much so" she confirmed opening the door for me to enter "Ah Danielle, Stefania how are you both" Dr Herman asked as she stood behind the desk "We are well thank you" Stefania said "Well come through we will do this quick so you can get to set"  she said leading us into a room. "You know the drill this will be cold" she said as she lifted my shirt and put the gel on my abdomen "You were hospitalised" She asked "Uh yeah 2 weeks ago I was dehydrated and passed out at work" I said "okay did they give you some anti nausea medication for it" She asked "yeah I haven't been throwing up anymore so I am keeping everything down" I said. "Okay well baby looks good, strong heart beat, just going to check a few things and try to get a good picture for you" she said. "Okay we are done here is a few photos, you need to start seeing an OB once you hit 18 weeks" she said "Get another scan done and they will take it form there, here is a list of some of the best I know you can go through and pick who you want, you are going to be in Italy when you are 18 weeks aren't you" she asked "Yeah we are" I confirmed "I suggest doing a bit of research on an OB over there and just going to get a scan done whilst your there it only takes 20 minutes" she said "Okay thank you so much for everything" I said "Of course send me photos when bubba is here and all the best" she said as we walked out of the room.

Stefania's POV

"When do you want to have dinner with your parents" I asked Danielle as we drove to set "Uh I will call them and sort something out for next week" she said "okay no worriers try for Saturday because we aren't filming" I said "yeah that's fine when are you going to call your papa and Gio and all that" she asked "once we tell your parents" I said "you can call them before you know" she said "no your parents should know first your there daughter and you are carrying the baby" I said "but it is your baby as well Stefania" she said "I know that but we can call them after we have dinner with your parents its okay" I said. "When do we want to tell Krista and the writers" I asked "Monday I guess after we tell our families" she said "Okay and Jay and Barrett" she questioned "Whenever you are ready" I said. "Your baby bump is getting a bit more noticeable" I said "I know do you think people are going to question it" she asked putting her hand on her belly and rubbing it "No I don't think so you are wearing loose clothing so It should be fine and If they do we might just have to tell them before hand" I said "Mhm true do we definitely want to wait until the baby is born before we find out if it is a boy or a girl" she asked "Have you changed your mind" I asked "Not so much changed my mind I just was thinking about getting organised and we will have to do everything gender neutral if we don't find out" she said "if you want to find out we can" I said "we can talk about it closer to 18 weeks" she said "whatever you want bambina".

Dannielle's POV

"Danielle it's going to be fine I promise" Stefania said as we stood at my parents front door "Let's just get this done" I said knocking on the door. "Danielle, Stefania oh I have missed you both so much" my mum said pulling us both into a hug then stepping to the side so we could walk inside. "Hi Dad" I said walking over to my dad in the kitchen "Ah Danielle" he said pulling me into a hug "Stefania thank you both for organising this dinner it has been a while" he said "We have been crazy busy with filming and wedding planning" I explained "Where is Stephanie" I asked "She said she isn't going to be able to make it tonight she got pulled into work" My mum said "Oh okay that's fine" I said. "Let's eat" my dad said placing the food down in front of all of us "Do either of you want a glass of wine" My mum asked "I'm driving so no thank you" I said "I will have a glass please" Stefania said . "This is so good wow" Stefania said "I'm sure it is nothing compared to what you cook" My mum said "Stefania's food is amazing so good but this is pretty close" I said. "Who is that" I asked as we heard a knock at the door "I'm not sure, I'll go check" my dad said standing up and walking towards the door. "Well look who could join us" he said walking back in Stephanie following closely behind him "Oh my ahh thank you for coming" I exclaimed standing up and hugging her "Didn't want to miss it" she said. "I have something I need to tell you all... uh we have something we need to tell you" I said as we sat around the table "I'm Pregnant" I said taking a hold of Stefania's hand "What" my sister said "Are you serious" she said putting her hand over her mouth "mhm" I confirmed nodding my head "I'm going to be a grandma" My mum said "You are going to be a grandma" I said "Oh my congratulations" she said standing up and wrapping her arms around Stefania and I.

Stefania's POV

"How many weeks are you" Danielle's father asked "13 weeks, still early but we are going to tell everyone else at the wedding but we wanted you all to know before hand" Danielle said "I can't believe this, My sister Danielle Savre whom never wanted kids is pregnant and getting married in 5 weeks time" Steph said. "Does your dad know yet Stefania" Kathie asked me "Not yet no we are going to call them later tonight" I said. "How has she been, she is already super dramatic when she isn't growing a whole human inside of her" Stephanie said to me as we were sitting on the lounge "It has been challenging that's for sure" I said laughing "She snaps over the littlest thing, her hormones are all over the place so one minute she's angry at me for smiling at someone and the next minute she is a koala and won't let go of me" I explained "I can't imagine" She said "She has been pretty good though she was really sick for the first 10 weeks, but after the hospital she was giving some medication and has been okay ever since" I said "Hospital" Steph questioned "Oh yeah my bad at 10 weeks she passed out and was rushed to hospital, she was just dehydrated because she couldn't keep anything down" I said "but she is okay now" I assured her "Good, oh my I can't believe I am going to be an Aunty" she said excitement lacing her voice.

Danielle's POV

"You ready to go home" I asked Stefania walking into the living room "If you want to" she said "I'm tired and want to shower and go to sleep" I said "Okay we can go then bambina" she said standing up and giving my sister a hug and then my parents before we walked out of the house and towards the car "Are you okay to drive" she asked "I can still drive Stefania" I snapped "I was just asking incase you were to tired I only had half a glass of wine Danielle" she said "It's okay baby I'm sorry I can drive" I said. "Do you want to facetime your dad when we get home" I asked "Yeah we will and then Gio and Daniele" she said. "I am going to quickly get changed into some comfortable clothes, I will be right back" I said before walking off to our bedroom. "Ready" I asked walking back to the living room "Yeah ready" she said as she started to call him. "Stefania, Danielle how are you both, it has been a while" Her dad said through the phone "We are good, sorry we have been so busy with filming" Stefania said "It's okay, I have a meeting in 30 minutes" he said "well we won't keep you, we just wanted to let you know that we are pregnant" Stefania said "What really" he said "We are having a baby April next year, we wanted you to know before everyone else" Stefania said "Oh my that's amazing news bambina, congratulations" He said "Danielle is 13 weeks so it is still early so just don't tell anyone yet please papa, we are about to call Gio and Daniele to let them know but everyone else will find out at the wedding" She said "All good Stefania, I love you both and am so proud of you I have to go to my meeting but I will call you later" he said "Okay bye Sir" I said "Ciao papa".

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