Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! Gosh, this chapter took a long time to write. These last 9 chapters have been about Reyna and the way she developed in finding her place in the hunt. I do plan on going back to her point of view eventually. Now, I really wanted to focus on how I view Thalia, and her development. She is just such an interesting character that I really want to explore, and her name is in the title after all. So here is the first chapter from her point of view! Hope you guys enjoy it. Stay safe out there.



Thalia's P.O.V

It's true. Thalia had taken forever in figuring out who her advisor would be. But who could blame her? It's hard to find good advice these days. Not that every Lieutenant of Artemis had to have an advisor, but Thalia figured Reyna suited the title.

Thalia just hoped that Reyna didn't take it the wrong way. She seemed happy about it, but Thalia knows Reyna is a strong and capable warrior and could probably be good at any number of duties. She just hoped that Reyna was not offended that she hadn't given her a role of more warrior-like quality.

Reyna didn't seem offended though. In fact, she looked quite proud that Thalia had given her role that requires a lot of trust.

Artemis had returned with good news. Her twin brother, Apollo, had defeated Python and gotten his immortality back. She said that Apollo also seemed very different, a lot less full of himself.

Thalia's first experience with Apollo was driving his sun chariot. It was honestly one of the most terrifying moments of her life, up there with when she almost died on half-blood hill. Then Thalia had seen Apollo at Camp Jupiter after she heard about her brother's death.

Jason sacrificed himself to save his friends. She felt as though she should be angry with him for leaving her, but she would be a hypocrite. She had done the same thing when she was being chased by monsters to half-blood hill and got herself turned into a pine tree.

Thalia missed Jason. He would write letters to her whenever he could, telling her of his life. She was sad that she wasn't closer to him. Reyna was close to him though, and she found herself wanting to ask Reyna about him, but she was afraid of making her upset.

After congratulating Reyna on her initiation, Artemis helped the girls clean up camp and revive their supplies to its former glory. She also set up her own tent at the head of camp.

Just as Thalia was going to set up her own tent to rest, Artemis gave her a we need to talk look before stepping into her tent. Sara would scold her for not resting her still aching limbs, but Thalia is still Artemis's lieutenant and she needs to be there for Artemis when she needs her.

Thalia stepped into Artemis's tent. The ceiling was dotted with stars, and the floor was covered in soft animal furs. It was almost too tempting to curl up in those furs and sleep.

"Thalia, how is Reyna taking the hunt?" Artemis inquired. "I know she is used to being Praetor of New Rome, and I suppose it must be difficult for her to have such a drastic change."

Thalia smiled at that. Despite her sister being an immortal Goddess with so many duties, she never failed to care for her huntresses and other women in the world as well.

"She seems to really like it with us," Thalia assured her. "She is a very loyal friend, and she has even found family here she didn't know she had. The girls will warm up to her in no time."

Artemis nodded, satisfied with Thalia's answer. "And how are you, Thalia?"
Artemis's eyes filled with worry.

Thalia looked down at her feet, not meeting her sister's eyes. She knew Artemis was talking about Jason, but how could she talk to Artemis about him? She didn't even know how she felt. Was she angry, sad, regretful? Thalia wasn't one to talk about her feelings, let alone feelings she hadn't even figured out yet.

The Adventures of Thalia and Reyna: A Hunters of Artemis TaleWhere stories live. Discover now