Chapter 9

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Dean, Sam, and Bobby all stared down at the dagger on the floor pathetically, how bad a person can be at aiming, to hit a wall meters away from them. They must be the stupidest Assassin from some stupid Kingdom if they believed they can kill Dean Winchester. Stupid.

"What the hell?"

Cas facepalmed his forehead with a grimace, he had too much confidence in himself and missed Dean's head but he also wanted to kill himself for feeling relieved that the dagger didn't hit the Alpha. He quickly hid when the trio turned around.

"Oh" Dean clicked his tongue staring at the empty hallway and Cas, not him really only his scent of honey was too obvious.

"Guess, you're already having marital problems, boy." He looked at Bobby who grumbled in his old cranky voice, Dean chuckled. "Guess I am."

"We'll discuss this later, go check on your mate before he throws another on my head." Saying that Bobby goes his own way cursing all the way about horny lovers.

"Wanna help, Sammy?" He asked his brother who was smiling during the whole conversation, for some reason it was so funny to him that Cas tried to kill Dean. But the question Dean asked made his grin vanish and he started backing up.

"Oh no, I'm not third wheeling today. Not gonna happen, HELL NO!!!" Shouting he ran off towards the only place he knew where someone understood him, how hard it is to be a third wheeler.

Dean watched his little brother sprinting with raised eyebrows and shouted "Could have just said no. No need to be so dramatic, Bitch."

"Jerk" Sam shouted running around the corner.

Snickering Dean's eyes drifted to where he knew Cas was. He smirked to himself, he was one feisty little omega to take care of. As silently as possible he walked towards the honeyed smell, enjoying the scent that kept getting stronger with the closing of distance.

Cas blinked, the shouts seemed to have gone. He couldn't hear much, but it was obvious that they were gone since their was no sound of talking or heavy boots scraping on floors. Closing his eyes, he stepped away from his spot on his way to the gates.

He yelped flinching a little "Oh God!!!" Dean was there, leaning on the wall playing with the dagger he threw at the Alpha and a sharp look in his face that screamed that Cas was in a trouble. "Hey there, angel." Dean said with a pleased smile.

"I apologize I took a wrong turn" Turning on his heels the omega tried to flee away. "Oh no, you didn't." Dean said before pinning him to the wall, puncturing the dagger just beside Cas's head and another hand on the omega's waist, blocking him between his large body and the wall. The omega gulped and stared at Dean's neck not moving a muscle.

"Did you throw this at me, Cas?" The Alpha asked with an innocent head tilt but the omega knew it was far from it, he pressed himself to the wall as Dean bored his eyes at him like a hunter waiting for his prey to make the wrong move.

"Uh...No" Cas said as Dean covered him from all sides with his usual cheeky smile, biting his bottom lip the omega blushed staring away.

"You're a bad liar, angel."

Ok, that was too much Cas could not lie even if his life depended on it but Dean didn't have to say it out loud. He scowled up at the Alpha, his cheeks puffing angrily "No, I'm not." He glared at the Alpha who giggled like the omega has said the joke of all time which in turn made Cas more angry.

He tried to get away but Dean's hold on his hip got more tighter making him gasp, "D-Dean"

He arched his neck as the blonde breathed right on his ear "What?" That voice did so many things to Cas that he has never felt before, his heart thrumming and his body getting all covered with blush on it's own. Cas held in his breath as Dean started lifting his skirt up before it vanished underneath it.

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