Chapter 7

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"Anna. Y-you?" Words were like stuck in his throat as he stared at his long distance cousin, last time he heard she was dead. He remembers mourning for his cousin sister, crying on her grave she was one of her favorite but till now she was alive.

Someone cleared their throat, snapping Cas's attention. It was Dean all glorious in his crown and heavy coats, the Alpha held his hand out "Why don't we sit first, angel? You must be hungry." He was so shocked that he couldn't even protest just let Dean directed him towards a seat holding on the omega's waist.

The omega finally snapped out of his shock when he was seated, now he registered all eyes on him. No, he is not ready for this on top of finding his cousin is alive and has been working for the enemy. He knew enough manners to not start shouting at the table.

But it was hard whenever his eyes found his sister's she ducked her head. He halfheartedly listened as Dean introduced him to everyone, except a nod he gave no reply. "Anna is our Magister and Jo's.....mate."

Kingdom of Angeles:


"Luci, Calm down. You will open your wounds again." Gabriel said over his brother's voice. The King has woken up and Gabe now regrets saying about Castiel's abduction.

The 10 soldiers who were gone to get more information on the Winchesters, only 4 of them have returned and with no clue about their little brother. The anger was fair but not what they needed now.

"Calm down? Brother do you even hear yourself? Cas is gone and you are asking me to fucking calm down." Lucifer gritted through his teeth, glaring daggers at Gabriel beside him.

The omega gulped his tears as he shouted "What did you expect? This day has to come Luci, you knew it but instead of talking to him, you choose to keep him locked in this Hell hole."

Lucifer growled under his breath, his Alpha trying to control himself. This was his brother but the disobedience of an omega shouting at him was getting on him as he hissed "Hell hole. I was protecting you, I was protecting Castiel."

Gabriel shook his head snarling "Protecting from what? His destiny? His Lover? His Al-"

"SHUT UP" He growled eyes blazing red, instantly he felt guilty when Gabriel bared his throat sobbing. There has never been a day he has shouted at his little brothers, they were too precious to him.

He looked away breathing in and out before pulling his brother beside him with an arm around his shoulder, Gabr sniffed but complied cuddling to his brother's chest "I'm...sorry, I shouldn't have screamed at you. But you know what Dad said, you know what Winchesters did...and you are still taking their just-"

Gabe smushed his face in his brother's shoulder as he shook his head "No, you're right. I'm sorry...I got too far, you were only doing this for Castiel."

They cuddled each other for a few seconds before Lucifer pulled back and looked at Gabriel eyes wide as he asked "Where is Michael? Is he okay? Is o-"

"Everything's fine Luci, he is resting and the baby's okay too. No need to worry." Gabriel assured standing up and pushing his brother to bed slowly "Now, go to sleep. You need rest."

Lucifer sighed and laid back groaning his chest was covered with bandages same with his head. He held onto Gabriel's hand as he said "Send a letter to the Winchester clan. As soon as I am up, I going to meet them."

Gabriel nodded thinking his brother was finished but then he said something that made his a rock drop in his stomach "Call the sorceress." He looked at Lucifer with tear stricken eyes biting his lip.

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