Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: Mention of Rape and Abuse, also Dean is kind of toxic so it might be not everybody's cup of tea to read this.

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"You look so beautiful, Cas." The rough voice rumbled above him making Cas whimper at what was about to happen to him next. He had no idea about sexual intercourse, he was like a baby with these things. Michael, after his marriage with Lucifer protected him like a mother, never let him get corrupted.

And now, he was going to get... raped. He had no idea how Dean can be? He gasped closing his eyes when the Alpha stralled his right leg kneading at his length beneath the robe. "So good for me Cas, laid out all for me to taste."

No, he was not. Dean was forcing him, he couldn't hold back the Alpha that will be impossible. The blonde man was bigger and taller than him, he can't overpower him. But he was not going to make this easy for Dean, the Alpha has him pinned to the bed with both of his arms on each side of Cas's head. "Look at me, angel."

The omega kept his head turned away, biting inside of his cheek, feeling dreaded at the very moment. He heard a chuckle from above him but did not look, but then he felt Dean's mouth on his shoulder. Licking at it with a rumble "So tasty"

Cas gripped onto the sheets with a broken cry blushing red. Tears peaked his eyes, this was not happening to him. But the nips and bites on his shoulder disagreed. He wanted to protest but he just couldn't, it seemed like his voice was ripped from him. But then Dean stopped making him turn to look at the man on top of him in question.

He gazed into the green orbs, shining in the orange light. Dean was truly handsome with a stubbly jaw, pink lips, dirty-bloned hair, broad shoulders but that was the thing, he only looked good, he was not good. The man has trapped him, made him loose his family and leave everything behind.

Dean smiled at him as he said "Why you crying? I was just teasing, Cas." The omega opened his mouth dumbfounded, Just teasing? Cas thought he was going to be raped. He glared up at the man puffing his cheek but the blonde Alpha just looked at him goofily.

Cas was right, Dean Winchester is an assbutt. His hand caught on a pillow which he threw at the Alpha who laughed and fell back in the bed grinning as Cas sat up sulking. "How can you laugh like that, Dean? I was so scared."

"What can I say, Cas? It's easy to fool you, sweetheart." The omega picked up another pillow and started beating Dean with it for mocking him. But the Alpha caught it after a few soft hits to his head and took hold of Cas's left wrist, Cas blushed looking down when Dean smiled at him pulling both of his hands to his chest just above the pectorals.

"Don't fight a game, you can't win Cas." Dean said smugly trying to catch the omega's beautiful blues.

Cas buzzed his tongue right in Dean's face "You cheated." He said confidently and held his head high in proud domination but it just made the Alpha smirk more.

"I can have you exiled for accusing me of cheating." The Alpha retroted trying to keep his angry facade and not smile.

"Go on. Do it, I will be happy to leave." Cas snarked back with a smile, in a second he was pulled into Dean's lap with the Alpha's left arm around his waist and right hand still holding on to Cas's wrist.

"Oh Really? You can survive without a horse, any food or... water, just alone..." Dean asked him with a raised eyebrow, Cas held the deepest urge to punch him right then. He was going to get exiled without a drop of water, that is so unfair.

Even when Naomi was exiled Luci gave her food that can survive two months and a horse too. He pouted and replied "No..", he looked up at Dean through his dark eyelashes when the man started kissing his fingertips keeping the eye contact. He blushed feeling his tummy churn in delight. This feeling was new to him, he has had suitors before but none of them ever came even an inch close to him since his royal guard was under strict orders of Lucifer to not let anyone with malicious intentions approach him.

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