Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.

Start from the beginning

Trotsky nodded.

Just then, another Dark Witch entered the room. She laughed insanely. 

"Ah, Madame Lestrange. You're here." Voldemort noted not turning his eyes.

"To see you, My Lord." Bellatrix replied. "I thought that you should know that we've taken the lives of four more Aurors. All in your name of course." She reported clearly inflamed with Voldemort.

That was when Trotsky got up. "Only four?" He asked. 

Bellatrix looked at him liked a stuck up toad. "What did you just say?" She asked in disbelief. 

"I could kill double that number in a fraction of your time. I'll even throw in some Mudbloods for free." Trotsky informed.

"And who do you think you are, Ukrainian?" Bellatrix asked noting is Eastern European face. 

"The New Death Eater. But you will call me, Mr. Trotsky." Trotsky answered.

Bellatrix laughed. "That is rich isn't it? YOU FILTHY UKRANIAN! Already calling the shots?! I have the Dark Lord's favor. And if you disobey my commands. I'll see you dead with the killing curse." She pointed her wand at Trotsky.

Trotsky took out his wands. "I would not have it any other way." He replied.

"AVADA-" Bellatrix never got to finish her sentence because Trotsky pulled an Earth Spell that knocked Bellatrix off her feet and onto the ground of the tavern. Trotsky then created a shadow of himself and it threw Bellatrix out of the door and onto the streets of Knockturn Alley. Bellatrix got back onto her feet and she shot a spell at Trotsky. But Trotsky pulled a shield over himself, and fired an energy disk with his other wand and shot it at Bellatrix from her side. Bellatrix tried to fire at it but Trotsky made his move and used his left wand to created an energy whip to grab Bellatrix's leg and pulled him closer to him, while he created an energy hook with the other wand and it knocked Bellatrix into the air. Trotsky then combined the two wands together and smashed them both into Bellatrix Lestrange knocking her to the ground. Bellatrix coughed up blood and tried to reach her wand, but Trotsky kicked it away, and then knocked Lestrange unconscious. 

He turned to see Voldemort clapping his hands as he was enjoying the show. "I believe you'll make a fine Death Eater. Iosef Trotsky." Voldemort declared.

Back to the Present.

Trotsky took a look at his Death Eater Mark. It was still the shade of dark as when he first got it. To him it stood as a cause to rally behind. Even though Voldemort was not yet at full strength, Trotsky was still faithful to the Dark Lord. Now he was off getting his new recruits. The Giant Tribes in the heart of Northern Europe. It was on the way to their next destination: Scandinavia.

"We must be approaching the Giants Territory." Talos informed.

"What gave it away? The fact that there's a bridge in the middle of the mountain?" Trotsky asked sarcastically.

"Well there's that." Talos replied. The bridge looked like it was made out of stone. "How do we know the Giants will follow us, Uncle Iosef?" He asked.

"The Giants fought for us on the side of the First Wizarding World. And if that method doesn't work, well. I have ways to get their attention." Trotsky took out a Helmet forged from the Goblins. Far stronger then the prototype they made earlier.

"Well I just hope they want to talk. I'd hate to have to carry your limp body out of the mountains." Talos laughed at his own joke.

"And I would hate to have to explain to your father on the fool you were as they Giants ate you alive like cannibals." Trotsky laughed at his own joke. Trotsky put a hand on Talos' shoulder. "Rest assured. I will do the talking. Just stay by my side and say nothing unless I tell you to do something."

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