part 14

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'Kai- kai wait!' i said scrambling to open the door and walking towards him. He turned around with a smug look on his face. 'Everything i said, well what i think. It's true isn't it. Even if you say it's not i won't believe you.' his face dropped. 'It's not-' 'KAI!' i said making him flinch. 'Y/n you wouldn't-' 'KAI???' 'Listen you wouldn't fucking get it it's not as simple as-' he stuttered watching me turn away. 'Y/N YOU DONT-' 'DONT YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME KAI!' 'I can do whatever the fuck i want y/n who the fuck are you?' 'Your ex girlfriend.' i said with a smile. 'Y/n you think you know everything you don't know SHIT!' 'I don't know shit? I DONT KNOW SHIT? You scare me kai. You're a fucking murderer.' i said hushing my voice. 'Y/n-' he said reaching out for my hand making me step back. 'Murderer!' i said breaking down again. I just couldn't believe it. Kai a murderer??? I cant believe it but i know it's true. It's just so insane that you think you meet a nice guy and he turns out to... well. Where does this put me? I don't even know what to do now. If i tell the police i might get in trouble for not saying anything sooner, or worse if kai finds out he might kill me. I'm going to throw up. This is shit, just shit. Shit. 'He was an innocent man-' 'Innocent?' 'What the fuck do you know about innocence kai! He was a human being! You can't just kill him off. For what?! Don't you ever fucking speak to me again. You hear me. You delete my contact off of your phone. You forget i ever existed kai anderson!!! I don't ever want to be near you again. You think this is fucking normal? You think you can explain. You are not above the law. And you may think i am a weak woman you can cradle and twist but believe me you you've got the wrong impression. You're sick. SICK!' i hissed repeatedly jabbing my finger into his chest. He went awfully silent. In what seemed like hurt, but quickly turned to contained panic and intimidation. His breathing hitched and thickened. 'What now huh?' he said chuckling slightly looking down at me, worry taking over. 'What do you think you're going to do y/n report me to the fucking police?' 'FOR MURDER? I think i will!' Silence. Kai tilted his head and looked at me. As if to evoke a reaction. Preparation? 'It's been a week y/n. Why didn't you say anything sooner? A poor man died and you stood by to cradle yourself. Hide away from the world. I thought you were a strong woman. This isn't right y/n WHY DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING SOONER Y/N?' he spit as he watched anger and realisation spread across my face. He's right. God damn it he's fucking right. I did do that. Or didn't. 'Exactly.' 'Well you know what kai?' 'What.' he asked calmly. 'I may not be able to live with myself... but can you live without me?' 'Of course i can.' he said somewhat confident and bewildered. 'I'm the most incredible woman you've ever met. We'll just see about that kai.' i said and slammed my door. Holy shit. How am i ever going to keep this in. I'm right. I won't be able to live with myself. Fuck. I just need him out and away.

one of us has to die at the endHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin